Is anyone else doing the "Harry Potter Adventure" at AMC Theaters?

Lots of places around the country will be having midnight shows of Deathly Hollows (Pt. 1) on Thursday night, but AMC Theaters is having an Adventure! Starting at 6:00pm, they’ll show The Order of the Phoenix, then Half Blood Prince, then the midnight show of Deathly Hollows. Tickets are only $20.00 which I think is a bargain. I have my ticket already.

I like the thought of being brought up to speed, on the big screen, with the two most recent films before seeing the new one. My favorite HP film is still Prisoner of Azkaban, so I hope when Part 2 comes out, someone, somewhere, does a marathon of all the films. I’d go.

I didn’t much like Sorcerer’s Stone film when it originally came out. It was ok, it had its moments, but a few weeks later it was way overshadowed by my total besotted fanaticism of Fellowship of the Ring. I fell asleep twice in Chamber of Secrets. Not from boredom, just because I’d gotten up so early both times. I didn’t care enough to try and see it a 3rd time. I loved Prisoner of Azkaban, and it completely changed my entire thought process of Harry Potter, but even so, I wasn’t prompted to read the books until after seeing a sneak preview of Goblet of Fire a few months before it was released, and the Half Blood Prince book came out. In fact, I started reading the first book the day HBP came out. I finished all 6 books in a week and a half and was kicking myself that I hadn’t started a couple of weeks earlier so that I could share in the joy and excitement of the new book release. I made up for that for the release of the DH book, buying it at midnight with everyone else.

After I finished the first 6 books, I did a marathon at home of all the films to date, completely alert and paying attention. Even the first two are MUCH better in retrospect once you know what eventually happens to the characters, catching all the introductions of characters and places and objects, and forewarnings, and just marveling at how young everyone is. It is very cool to watch them all grow up before your eyes, in a short space of time. So yeah, I’d do a marathon in the theater.

Interesting. I’d be up for an eight-film retrospective when the time comes – I’ve done the AMC Best Picture Showcase three out of the four times they’ve had it (including last year’s two-day version) and this seems a good context in which to revisit that type of thing. I haven’t seen any of the movies more than once, I think.


I’m not, though I’ll probably see DH within the next couple of weeks. Even if wanted to do this HP adventure I can’t - tickets up this way have already been sold out for days according to a coworker.

I bought my tickets today and will be getting to my boyfriend’s house at 8am tomorrow morning for him to catch up on the first four movies on DVD. After purchasing the tickets he informed me that he hasn’t been to a movie since recovering from breaking his back years ago; when the ticket teller told him he it would be from 6pm to almost 3am he visibly cringed. He clearly loves me but buying him Pee-Wee broadway tickets will hopefully keep that love coming.