Is anyone expecting a white Christmas?

I was just checking my local weather forecast. It should be 48F and raining on Christmas Day. Come on now, this isn’t October!

23 December: 47º/40º, chance of showers 80%
24 December: 45º/33º, AM showers 40%
25 December: 42º/33º, partly cloudy, 10% chance of rain
26 December: 42º/35º, partly cloudy, 10% chance of rain

It doesn’t look like we’ll get any snow. Next weekend the high temperatures will be 41º, 39º, and 38º, with lows at 29º, 32º, and 29º. So it should be just cold enough to snow at night, but the icons show 70%/20%/50% chance of rain.

3 feet of snow out there at the moment, and a little more coming in a couple days. Yeah, I’m guessing it won’t all melt before Christmas.

Checking The Weather Channel, it looks like we (Milwaukee) might have a little bit of snow Wednesday which is probably just going to leave us with some icy sidewalks. OTOH, I really can’t ever remember (and I’ve paid attention the last 5 or 10 years) not having snow on Christmas morning, even if it didn’t start until late the 24th.

I’ll be in Berlin for Christmas. 44ºF and rainy.

The forecast is for 20C/10C (68F/50F). A white Christmas in these parts at this time of year is something of a long shot :slight_smile:

We’re apparently predicted to have a couple of inches the day before Christmas. Michigan, so no surprise.
Beats this time last year, when we were in the grip of the giant polar freeze of 2013. My power went out for a week, no mail delivery for two weeks, too much snow and ice to even drive out of my street for several days. It was really bad.

Forecast is for sunny and 57F in west Alabama.

We almost always have snow on Christmas here in the Milwaukee area.

Forecast calls for snow on Christmas Eve, so I’ll answer with a hopeful “yes”.

I would be amazed.

We usually don’t get them where I live, but go a few miles west (and a few thousand feet up) and there’s generally snow on the ground all winter. We have had a couple of blizzards around Christmas in the time I’ve lived here, but most of the snow we get falls in March.

I am not expecting a white Christmas.

It’s just around 1am at the moment, 63F and 84% humidity. Only way we’re having a white Christmas is if Ragnarok begins this week. :slight_smile:

(We did however have a nice BBQ for dinner).

I’ll be in Seattle for Christmas, and the current predictions are for cloudy and/or rain every day while I’ll be out there. There are currently snow predictions for the day I fly back, the 28th where I live in Atlanta, but I have doubts that will actually happen because, heck, it’s Atlanta (and if it does, I expect it will be flurries overnight).

We have snow on the ground pretty much from Halloween through May.

Forecast calls for a winter storm warning today and tomorrow. So Yep. White Christmas.

Will it actually snow on the 25th? 60% chance.

Overcast, fairly mild, and rainy here – just how I like it :slight_smile: (southern England).

What’s northern England like about now? We have a niece studying in York. It’s her first time to see Christmas in a Western country.

I spent an evening earlier this week plowing out Drunk Wally next door. He has a farm tractor with a huge snow thrower connected to its driveline, but he’s seldom in any shape to get behind the wheel industrial equipment that has great nashy auger, and I have no idea how to use a tractor, so I stole my other neighbour’s riding mower that has a blower attached. If Drunk Wally’s elderly dad wasn’t such a nice guy (Drunk Wally is in his fifties and won’t leave the nest), I’d let Drunk Wally figure out a solution for himself (so far the best he has been able to do is post a No Trespassing sign on his door, which doesn’t really help clear the drive – not that anyone without skis or snowshoes could get in as far as the house anyway), but I don’t want the old guy to worry about getting stranded they way they did last winter, when they called out for help. That time it took myself on the hijacked lawn tractor/blower and a fellow from the next concession road over on his ATV/plow about four hours to dig them out. So yeh, we’s gots snow for Christmas. (And it’s time to put on the togs to go skiing – there’s a lift area at the other side of the concession block – the next road over, and a cross-country area at the opposite corner of the concession block. Doing a bit of both today.)

If I didn’t have to earn a living, I wouldn’t mind being stranded for a few weeks at Mt. Bohemia at the top of that pointy-sticky-outie-thingie in the middle of Gitchigumi. Da UP’s UP in da winter is da bomb!

Houston: sunny and 68 F, so…no.