Is childish name-calling all you can do, you idiot?

Inspired by t-keela in this thread.

I see this a lot in the pit. Yes, I have done it too, rarely that is (I hope). But sheesh people, stop calling-out folks for name calling when you do it yourself. Although I am sure that your instance of doing it was perfectly valid ( :rolleyes: ) it is really sad and annoying when it is done in the same thread where you have just been calling people stupid names.

But can I call out people for calling out people?

Heck, I insult people left and right when they start threads seemingly for the sole purpose of putting their stupidity on display. I try to include a nugget or two of valid criticism in the mix. When they insult me back (as sometimes happens), I often find their answer doesn’t respond to my criticism, but is just a personal shot taken for its own sake. That’s a good sign I’ve won.

Yay, me.

Ah, Bryan … just the man …

You see, I’ve been venturing into the Pit for a couple of months now, and I’ve yet to insult anyone. I’m not sure I know how. :frowning:

You seem pretty battle-hardened, Pit-wise … please may I practice on you? Many thanks.

You … you … you … you … ninny! :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry :o

Ninny? What kind of a ninny calls someone a ninny?

Try poopyhead next time. That sounds much better :smiley:

/Stern voice on/ Do your parents know what you just did? /Stern voice off/

Only if you are willing to be called out by people for calling out people for calling out people! (Is there an echo in here? ;))

Cool, I’m not a hypocrite, because I never harp on people about harping on people.

What the fuck do I look like, a duck!?


paid for by the committee to use the words fuck and duck in a reply to a polycarp post

and for the EXTREMELY humor impaired: :wink:


I’ve been meaning to have a word with you, glee. You really need to speak to your fan club – all they seem to do is stand around singing “The Whiffenpoof Song” in close harmony!

::: flees :::

Between this and the Blanks (blipity-blah!) thread, I’m fairly certain my head is going to explode.

There’s a glee club? Where do they reherse? :confused:

Well then, I’ll just call 'em out. Oh, and tell them off.

You know, this looks suspiciously like people HAVING FUN and IGNORING the OP.

Not that I am convinced this is the case. I just wanted to throw this up for discussion and see what y’all think. It’s a pretty weird coincidence, right?

Betcha can’t prove me wrong.

I’m making a list and y’all are on it.

Wednesdays at noon. But it’s by invitation only.

Sorry, this is an unauthorized post in this thread - there’s no mention of “fleeing”, glee clubs, echos, explosions or ducks. Please resubmit.

there’s no mention of “fleeing”, glee clubs, echos, explosions or ducks. Please resubmit.

My duck exploded during glee club practice. The BOOM echoed through the halls. The good thing about it is that he no longer has fleas.

Sorry, couldn’t resist.

where vs when

yeah, I get those mixed up all the time, too

I do the same thing with Trafalgar and sublimation.

[runs behind exploding duck from OP to hide]

I might be alone, but I actually laughed at this.

O.K., you’re on the list.
And those may look like harmless waterfowl, but they report directly to Ashcroft. :frowning: