Is Colibri following the rules of the SDMB or is he just throwing his weight around?

Whoa, hold on there pilgrim. I didn’t say anything about your whims. Your whims might make a grown man shudder. :stuck_out_tongue:

Indeed, Huitzilopochtli, the Southern Hummingbird, is my alter ego. (That’s a spammer on the upper left.)

OK, curiosity has gotten the better of me. “Hummingbird”??? Favorite food? Tattoo? Can’t remember the words? Is this one of those “if I tell you, I have to kill you” kind of things?

How did you answer my question before I asked it? You are truly amazing.

“Colibri” is a genus of hummingbirds.

And Colibri is Death on Wings to political jabs in GQ. Ask me how I know.

I don’t even want to contemplate what you all do with trolls.

Trollskins are excellent for jackboots.

Someone is hinting for a ride on a Harley.

Dropping a political bomb in GQ is sort of like putting one of those feeders out on your back porch with sugar water in it. More then likely it will attract the attention of a Hummingbird.

You got better.

Now I feel inadequate. “Jonathan Chance” is just a character in a terrible Styx album. Tommy Shaw played him. So I got that going for me, I guess.

If you want to be scarier, try changing your name to Mr Roboto.

And with this doorhinge loses the fight. At least I would have claimed that L(eft)SM was appropriate in GQ as it is factual that they are making the issue of Thomas possibly looking to replace Scalia as the leader of the Conservative Side.

I’d say either version of LSM is generally an attack on the media in general for being too left-wing, not a term for mainstream left-wing media.

I assume there is little graft available to a mod, so what other reason would somebody have for becoming one if he can’t throw his weight around?

I have renamed one of my horrid little dogs Huitzilopochtli. She likes blood.

A skilled Moderator is able to do both simultaneously – enforce the rules and throw his/her weight around.

Considering we were talking The Supremes my first thought was the case brought by the Living Stream Ministry. :smack:

Colibri can eat a dick.

Edited to clarify: eat a big goddamn bucket of dicks.

Moderator Warning

I have no idea of what brought this on, but this is an official warning for insults in ATMB.

Since the poster has posted two other threads in MPSIMS that suggest he is posting under the influence, he’s been temporarily suspended to avoid a further meltdown.

Good job!