Is Diamonds02 a troll?

Reading some of her latest posts in the IMHO thread, I’m starting to believe she’s just a severe case of arrested development. Somewhere around adolescence her brain stopped developing in the normal way and it’s been like that ever since. At age 30+ I really doubt that there’s hope for her ever progressing beyond that point.

Yeah, I wish D02 were a troll. If not, it’s really sad…

To repeat myself from the “shining lights in people’s windows fo’ lulz” thread:

She may well be a troll but not on the evidence of the thread linked (I haven’t read any of her other posts/threads). Some people, perhaps a considerable number, *would *find this sort of stuff funny. Of course those people are unlikely to be Dopers. The OP concerns the legality of such a prank and that’s a legitimate question, whatever you think of the prank itself or the prankster.

You really have to read the totality of her posts to appreciate her. Try this one for starters. The posts bug the crap out of me, but I love reading them for the responses (this one was one of my favorites, for no good reason).

I still waver between troll and clueless.

<<<shudder>>> Oh hell, I thought Diamonds02 was about 15!


Her mental age is approximately 12, so you were totally overestimating her.

I just don’t see any sign that she’s capable of the complexities of thought that would be required to be a troll of this magnitude. She constantly changes her tune in threads, rather than coming back and stirring things up more. And her questions are way too realistic–what someone clueless would actually say. Trolls generally become inconsistent very quickly–they show the ability to understand concepts that previous threads show they shouldn’t be able to understand.

I guess there’s the possibility that she’s both clueless and trolling–it would be consistent with her other behavior. But the OP’s implication is that she knows what she’s doing is wrong, and I just don’t see it.

I think she’s definitely trolling here, where she describes herself as a 330lb woman with a moustache and a mullet.

I don’t think she’s trolling there, as it appears to be a joke, but it does make me think she might not be as dumb as she appears, since she seems to understand what’s going on. Though, I guess, she could just be using smileys because she’s clueless. I’ll have to see more to be sure.

If not the trolliest troll that ever did troll, then up there in the ranks.

I just read his first post and – yes. But, so what? It’s funny.

I think we just identified the “friend.”

Diamond2 knows the reaction that they will get from this board.

I think that does qualify as a troll. I am feeling darn good about myself and so should most of you. People may call you aloof, rude, moronic, awkward, socially clumsy, clueless, comma loving bastard, or whatever you think is an insult.

At least we know the difference between being a dick and playing a prank.

And white. I’m sure other Dopers had previously found her dating profile where she says she’s black.

That seems like a pretty obvious joke to me, but the OP in that thread has convinced me that she is definitely a troll and not (just) stupid/crazy. The whole “Oh, your replies to my nutty posts have been so helpful!” routine seems calculated to encourage people to keep responding seriously to her threads. Other posters we’ve had who did seem genuinely stupid/crazy tended to get upset when people didn’t agree with them and tell them they were doing the right thing. While ideally someone who kept making bad choices and behaving in a way that bothered others would listen to the advice of people telling her to knock it off, someone with enough maturity and self-awareness to do this probably wouldn’t be getting up to all the wacky antics Diamonds02 has described in the first place.

I’m inclined to believe that many of her posts about herself are at best highly exaggerated and often probably outright lies, that she is posting primarily to provoke a reaction from other Dopers that she finds amusing, and that she’s afraid if she doesn’t occasionally seem to be taking our advice to heart then we’ll stop paying attention to her. So yeah, that’s trolling.

Yes, I know she dislikes posting things like her age so I figured that was a joke to illustrate that she doesn’t want to post personal info. In general, though, I agree – straight up troll.

I win! :slight_smile: