Is my drink legally (and morally) okay?

My mixture is Black Label Brewed Coffee with ten shots of espresso and a bottle of red bull bottled into my largest glass (which is very, very large). As the question above states, is this drink going to have any severe negative consequences (already it is keeping me awake much longer at night) and are the benefits better than said consequences?

Legally and morally, as long as you’re not giving it to anyone else without disclosing how much caffeine is in it, sure. Your doctor would probably have a few things to say about you taking in that much, but I’m not your doctor.

ETA: there are no benefits to getting addicted to that much caffeine, and I’m speaking as someone who routinely drinks eight cups of drip coffee in a morning.

You are over 2 grams of caffeine. The lethal dose is about 10 grams. The Black Label Brewed Coffee is already three times the recommended max daily dose.

You are good to go. Enjoy it while it lasts!

I would have moral objections to ruining perfectly good coffee with Red Bull, but I don’t judge others who do it.

Just be careful, too much caffeine can literally kill you.

This seems inadvisable, as other posters are saying its concerning close to the lethal dose. I’d say morally its a pretty risky thing to drink, IMO this seems like a pretty dumb (in terms of risk-vs-reward) way to risk your life, I’d call that pretty dubious morally even if its is your life to risk…

Also you clearly have tolerance to caffeine up the wazzoo, how confident are you someone else couldn’t come across this drink and take a sip? If they do, and have a cardiac arrest on the spot, you are in very dubious territory both legally and morally.

This reminds me of a story I heard from a tech company where one of the engineers would keep a jar of pure caffeine powder in his desk draw, and add a little to his coffee each morning for an extra jolt. When his manager (or someone far enough up the food chain to think about the legal ramifications) found out he made him take it home that very moment, and keep out of the office on pain of instance dismissal. His concern was someone else would come across it, think it was sweetener (it did look like that) and put a teaspoon in their coffee (which be easily a fatal dose for most people)

I have been drinking coffee for an awfully long time… Should I decrease my amount of espresso shots or remove the red bull so it’s still effective but less dangerous?

My back of the envelope calculation about the amount of caffeine in that concoction:

  • Black label is apparently 6x stronger than usual coffee.
  • A regular shot of expresso is 64mg of caffine
  • So the 10 shots of coffee has around 64x10x6 mg = 3840mg
  • 150mg from a 16oz can of Red Bull (does it come in bottles?)

So we are well over 4g of caffeine, that is much much closer to the lethal dose of 10g than I’d be comfortable with. (remember the lethal dose is a percentage not a cut off where you are fine at 9.99g but drop dead at 10g)

What’s the point of mixing it all together? It doesn’t affect the dose of caffeine; it only muddles the flavors.

Eh, you’ll be fine.

If it was me I’d remove the red bull as that sounds goddamned disgusting :slight_smile: Though as shown above its only a small amount of the total caffeine.

I can’t say what/how much to remove, but speaking from experience as someone who also drinks a lot of coffee, and is very likely addicted. I’d point out that very likely a lot of what you think are the stimulant effects of the caffeine are actually probably the effects of the withdrawal symptoms before your first cup of coffee, that you are treating providing caffeine to the monkey on your back.

The question isn’t “legally” or “morally”. The question is “medically”.

Well, in my opinion, Red Bull is a garbage drink full of stimulants that give you a temporary rush but then has you craving for more. Add to that the ten shots of espresso, and you have a potent mixture that could really damage your health. In my world, it is unethical to mistreat your body like that but certainly not illegal. It could become immoral if, after being strung out on that crap, you suffer a lapse in judgment or consciousness and run someone over in your car or something of that nature.

So when I started my reply I actually thought this was a hypothetical question to discuss moral/legal implications, not something someone would actually do :slight_smile:

And it tastes like malted ass.

This is the bit I’m fixated on. What possible benefits are there to this revolting concoction?

I also don’t understand why you’d think it’s illegal or immoral.

Just make sure you are not designing drinks for Panera.

When did they improve the flavor?

Oh my God … :rofl:

“One Len Bias Breakfast Special coming up”