Is NAMBLA for real or just propoganda?

Something I’ve been wondering is whether NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Association) is for real, or is it just gay-bashing propoganda that the far right invented to incense people? It seems unlikely that a group advocating pedophilia would form and go public? Whatever for?

Mind you, my opinion on pedophiles is that they should be executed by public vivisection, but I also know that gay bashers equate gay with pedophile, and the whole NAMBLA story smelled like a right wing-inspired UL.

I wouldn’t be surprised if it was true.

There’s a lot of whackos out there.

But I also think a lot of gays are as repulsed with the idea as you are.

It doesn’t look like a joke. But I can’t say that I’ve ever met a person who claimed to actively be a member. But that’s probably for personal safety reasons.

The price you pay for freedom of speech is that anyone can say pretty much anything, even if it is promoting pedophila. And if you want to form a National Man-Boy Lover Vivisection Association, sign me up.

It’s real.

Yer pal,

Yes, it’s real. I don’t know from first-hand account, but here is some supporting wvidence:

Plenty of mentions in the newspapers.

John Walsh talks about them occassionally on America’s Most Wanted, especially in molestation cases.

I was listening to an interview with ____ Podhoretz (can’t remember his first name), a writer who traveled in the 60s intellectual literary circles. He was good friends with Norman Mailer, who Podhoretz claimed was an active member of NAMBLA, and often had boys around for sex.

Quotes from the intro to thier newsletter or whatever that contains …basically tittilating stuff by kids.

NAMBLA believes that children need more than just sexual freedom, but it also recognizes that the denial of sexual pleasure can inflict severe and lasting pain.
What??? **
NAMBLA believes that any child, regardless of age, should have the right to say “yes” or “no” to any person. The child should have the right to initiate the relationship, as he often does.
** horrifying myth often used by pedophiles to defend themselves

The authors are multi-racial, and span the teenage years, but none are younger than 13.
** this is the list of articles they provide**
The Best Thing That Ever Happened to MeGreg, age 16
I Love Him, and I Know That He Loves Me Darrel, age 16
It Shouldn’t Be a Crime to Make Love Bryan, age 12 1/2
Boys Help Men, Too “College Boy”, age 19
I’m Not Going To Be Kept Away from Him (An Interview) Thijs, age 11
** none younger than 13 ???**

if any of those sick fuckers came near my boys I would happily rip the cocks off them.

I have nothing against homosexuals, this is not the same thing at all…

Visit your library & look them up in the Directory of Associations or Organizations. They should be there. There is a straight version of them, Rene Guyon Society, should also be there. Both are real groups.

When I first heard of that site, I thought it would be pornography and whack-off stories.

The actual site is far more disturbing.

“It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in an argument” - William McAdoo

Hubzilla…I echo that exactly…it was strangely more disturbing.

I’m happy to report that if NAMBLA is for real, they don’t have any Washington lobbyists fighting for their cause.

My 1999 lobbyist directory skips merrily from North American Interstate Weather Modification Council to North American Meat Processors Association with nary a mention of NAMBLA in between. Whew!

At least if the sickos exist, they aren’t trying to push their agenda through congress.

~ Complacency is far more dangerous than outrage ~

A scary thing about that site is that they come right out and say there against all age of consent laws. So really, the boy could be any age and it would all be the same to them. Yipe!

I do think legal ages of consent should be the same for heterosexual and homosexual relations. I think it is in some states, but I’m not sure which. Some of the relationships on the site would be perfectly legal - if the boy is 16 he has reached majority in many states. But the stuff about the 12-year-olds has got me all creeped out.

What happens if you go to the site Mojo gives the URL for? Do the authorities check your IP address?


STARK, plenty of congresspersons have sex with boys or underage girls…also, what about that teacher having sex with her 6thGr student, ack.

The owner of a website can monitor IP address but the FBI can’t without some warrant & then again, there is free speech.

Some countries allow men to legally have sex with young boys [I think that some african tribes actually used to do this for a manhood ritual?]. Also, doesn’t Maine, USA have an age of consent of only 14?

Well, I don’t condone all this stuff but it exists.

The idiots at NAMBLA only exist to guilt gay men into accepting them. (e.g. Since straight people think sex between two guys is unnatural then don’t judge us)

What the problem is people are not making rational analogies.

Boys will persue sex at an early age. Sex between a boy say 14, and a woman of 21 is simply not the same as a 15 year old girl and a 8 year old boy. Or whatever sex. It don’t think the first case is exactly healthy, but I doubt it is tragic.(this assumes no pregnancy or STD, which is a BIG reason why not to)

NAMBLA preys on that difference. They fail to recognize the power that they play off of. In the first case above the 21 year old woman(or man) may break the 14 year old’s heart but in 99% of the cases he will boinking someone else and forgetting her in a few months.

I think that’s a very dangerous assumption to make, MarkXXX. Fourteen year old boys don’t necessarily go from one fuck to another without emotional entanglement, and a broken heart can be the least of the damage done in a relationship where one participant is a child and the other is an adult.

At 14 years old, male or female, a young person does not have the skills necessary to defend themselves from emotional and sexual predation. Sure, a relationship between a 14 year old boy and a 21 year old woman may only be about sex, but that doesn’t mean it’s healthy. What healthy, fulfilled, well-rounded 21 year old woman is going to be satisfied with a boy? That five year difference in age is, at that point, much larger than a ten year age difference between two adults.

Adults should not have sex with children. Period. We can quibble about age of consent. We can talk about other cultures where it exists in a healthy, positive manner. The trouble is, in our culture and society, there is no way to protect our children from sexual predation without unequivically “adults do not have sex with children”.

But that’s a topic for the Great Debates.

“I think he said ‘Blessed are the cheesemakers.’”

You sure that’s not them in camoflage?

Well, I understand the situation is somewhat different in some European countries, and our society doesn’t differ all that much, in general, from that of those countries.


Can you be a little more specific? I confess total ignorance here.

Thanks for sinking that low for me, Rocko. I had to try real hard not to make some insidious suggestion about that name! :slight_smile:

~ Complacency is far more dangerous than outrage ~

Yes NAMBLA is (amazingly) for real.

I hold not truck with gay (or other) bashing but the fact of the matter is that there is a signification orientation in gay culture to idealize and pursue young (sometimes very young) boys as objects of erotic desire and this has been the case for millennia.

While pedophiles can and do cross gender lines the dirty little secret is that the notion of “boy” attraction and “boy” love is much more tolerated and accepted in current gay culture than erotic attraction toward children (or near children) is in current mainstream heterosexual culture.

Nature or nuture issues are beside the point. Those who prey on children (regardless of specious “they really love it”
arguments) should be locked up.