Is Nintendo hurting?

Ouch. A misplaced thread, and the hampsters ate it.

Well, if I’m reading into the thread title correctly, no. They may have lowered the price of Gamecube and be in “last place” (which isn’t exactly true, but we won’t get into number arguments here), but they’re not out of the race. They’re well into planning their next console to compete with the next Playstation and X-box. Of course, we can’t forget their complete domination of the handheld market with Gameboy, which they still make plenty of money on.

Bingo, they’ve been a very profitable company for the last 100 years. They only recently posted their first loss ever, however, this does not look to be a continuing trend as the price drop has increased sales dramatically (GameCube even outsold PS2 for a 2 week period, and has been outselling Xbox for a few months).

Obviously, you’ve never been whacked in the head with one.

Whoops. No OP, and I still got my answers. Thanks, guys.

Well, the 'Cube has that handy handle so you can get a proper grip for maximum damage.