Is Pete Davidson's life really that interesting?

Don’t get me wrong, got nothing against the guy or his success, but 90% of his schtick is trading off stories about his life.

  • First on SNL, much of his screentime was on Weekend Update talking about his life.
  • Then he came out with a movie, “King of Staten Island”, which was a lightly fictionalized story of his life.
  • Now comes a series called ‘Bupkis’, also a lightly fictionalized story of his life.

I mean, his life story is mildly interesting I guess, but all I needed to know I got from his SNL Weekend Update appearances:

Father was a fireman who tragically died during 9/11 when he was still just a kid. Grows up to become a young adult with mental / emotional and substance abuse issues who still lives with his mother. Somehow inexplicably gets an SNL slot despite little or no discernable comedic talent. Perhaps even more inexplicably, dates a string of very famous, very attractive women, to the delight of the tabloids.

Again, good for him, it’s just a bit of a head-scratcher to me.

The rumor seems to be that Pete is very well-endowed.

Some morning radio gossip hosts were discussing the same thing this morning. They thought that for some reason he seems to be Lorne Michaels golden boy right now and these movies/shows are producers doing favors for Lorne to get in good with him.

I saw an actress explain this on a talk show… “He’s funny, he loves his mom, he is emotionally broken… WOMEN love this.”

Yeah, I don’t have anything against him or his success, but I don’t get it, either. This must be the answer.

If he sent me a text message asking if I wanted to hang out, I wouldn’t turn him down.

He seems to be an easy-going guy who takes a nonchalant attitude towards his own fame, which actual famous chicks seem to find attractive. That and I hear he has a big wanker. I enjoyed his humor on SNL.

I’d have a drink and smoke a big fatty with him.

I’ve never heard him say anything that I thought was funny and I think anyone who has anything to do with the Kardashians is a douchebag. His friendship with John Mulaney makes me think less of Mulaney.

You aren’t gonna’ get a guy like Big Pete Davidson by pining away your life and waiting by the phone.

Go get him!!


It’s only fairly recently that I realized that they weren’t talking about the actor who played the Fifth Doctor.

The stories I hear make more sense now.

Does 'shrooms while watching films and playing video games in his moms basement.

No. It is not a life we will read about after his passing.

Whether that’s true or not, in order for that to work, you don’t have to have an interesting life—you have to be able to talk interestingly, and/or amusingly or relatably, about your life.

I liked him on SNL and thought he was mostly well-used on the show.

Isn’t pretty much every comedian-focus series a fictional story based on their real life?

After all, you can’t have a successful TV series about nothing!

I see what you did there…not that there’s anything wrong with that.

I think he’s endearing in his own bemused-at-his-own-fame kind of way, and when you combine that with his SNL fame and his string of super-hot dating partners, he’s pretty newsworthy as far as vapid celebrity news goes.

I think he’s able to leverage a lot of that into being able to do things like “King of Staten Island” and “Bupkis”.

Now as to why he’s so attractive to the women he’s dated, I have no idea. Probably something endearing and uncommon for a celebrity, if I had to guess.

He seems like a nice enough guy. A nice guy without a hint of comedic talent or timing, but a nice guy.

But hey, it means that nice talentless guys like me can hold out hope of makin’ it big in New York City!

Maybe this thread offers a clue. Those who don’t find him funny or attractive also don’t seem to find him objectionable.

I find him occasionally amusing, including some of his music videos.

I felt the same way about Adam Sandler. His comedy was hit or miss on SNL, mostly miss for me. But in real life he seems like an alright guy.