Is Saddam Hussein dead?

This article was posted to Yahoo just an hour ago.

Why didn’t Saddam himself deliver this statement? Is he dead? Seriouly wounded? Has he fled? Does his bunker lack broadcasting facilities? For extra credit, same questions about his sons.

Man, I hope he is. I’d like to think that Iraqi resistance will weaken considerably if all the soldiers still fighting us realize that they no longer have to fear the wrath of a Hussein regime.

The most optimistic part of me says that if he is dead, the Iraqi army conscripts will turn on the Fedayeen and Republican Guard.

The most pessimistic part of me says that he then becomes a martyr, redoubling the efforts of the Iraqi forces against the Western oppressor invaders.

i love it how if someone doesn’t show up on TV every six seconds now they get declared dead.

Since Saddam didn’t show himself on live TV or taped, then I am convinced that he is UNABLE (injured or dead) to speak…a better response from the Iraqis would of come had he been on instead of the IM. If he was in good shape, he would have fired off a tape to the TV stations (State or Al Jazeera) to show his people his bravado in facing the coalition bombing to deliver his rhetoric. His library of aging tapes are probably not relevant enough to the current events at hand to continue this masquerade that he is in good health and alive. Maybe those first strike bombings did their job after all…

If he was dead, I think we’d hear about it. Martyrdom and all. No?

No they wouldn’t say he was dead if he was because it would have a negative effect on their troops. If he died there is certainly other people (like aziz) in his administration who would take power and still want to fight the war against the US. So making it seem like he’s still alive even if he’s not keeps the soldiers fighting hard.

My guess is that Saddam is dead or seriously injured. It would have been very easy for him to record a message which talks very specifically about something that happened after the war began ; eg. the suicide bombing with the time and place. AFAIK he hasn’t done this.

Also the other day on Meet the Press the Iraqi ambassador seemed remarkably ambivalent about whether Saddam was alive or not.

However even if Saddam is dead that doesn’t mean the war will be over soon. In fact you could argue that the regime is proving a lot tougher than expected by continuing to fight despite Saddam’s apparent absence. Also there is probably a large supply of pre-recorded message which will keep the issue open for many months if necessary.

Maybe he is trying to confuse the enemy? :wink:

I hate to say this, but I hope Hussein is dead, and if so, I hope we can get confirmation of it soon. The sooner that happens, the sooner this is all over, and frankly, the better for everyone involved.

That said, I doubt that he’s dead yet. He’s too much of a weasel.

One of the military bigwigs in Iraq was expressing doubts that Hussein is still alive, because he has only appeared in taped statements or by proxy. This strikes me as baiting. They can’t really expect Hussein, one of the most universally-hated men in the world and the purported primary target of this war, to present himself as an easy target by appearing on live television. I’m sure they want him to do so, but realistically, I don’t think they expect him to do so. I sure as hell wouldn’t.

CyberPundit points out the Iraqi ambassador’s ambivalence on the matter. I suggest that this is misdirection. They are deliberately ambivalent on the subject to keep us guessing on the matter.

One would be right to assume that the US has multiple operatives looking for Saddam. Its possible that he is unable to make it on TV because of that reason and not because he is hurt. Even couriering a tape to the TV trasmitter could lead the US to his position. Maybe thats one of the reasons the US left the station on, they think the rat will eventualy go for the cheese.

Dude! What is today??

He got you, man! Saddam got you good! He told everyone he was going on live and then taahdaaah* unformation minister reads a statement.


This trick was so good, even the military stopped bombing the TV stations just to see if he’ll show up. Every ship had their fingers on the trigger of about a hundred cruise missiles and Saddam doesnt show.

nyehnyeh* Saddam got you!!


Well, since the Faux News Channel is not breathlessly reporting “EVIDENCE THAT SADDAM HUSSIEN IS DEAD!” I think we can assume that SH is still alive and in charge.

If the Bush Administration thinks Saddam is dead or critically injured why haven’t they started a whispering campaign stating that SH is dead?

It appeared for a couple days after the initial bombing that we had gotten to SH, but in the days that followed those rumors have died off.

It simply doesn’t matter.

The issue isn’t whether he is dead or not. That point is moot - it would make no difference.

Now, if he were dead, and the Iraqi military and populace became aware of the fact, that would have some effect. Good or bad, I’m not sure.

It is of no benefit to the US military, administration, or populace to assume he is dead. If the administration assumes he is, and publicly claims it, they are taking a real risk of being proven wrong (and losing even more credibility).

I think he is dead or severely injured as others have stated. Also the part where he (or the message the IM read) stated he will die as amrtyr or something. The same same thin OBL supposedly said in his last “statement”.

I think these guys are either both dead, or hurt, and maybe disfigured, so badly that the sight of them may damage morale.

kenibbling pin

I doubt it is any less dangerous than couriering a speech. I doubt he would stay on the phone long enough to dictate one. And FWIU we have taken out their phone lines yesterday.

Not to say it is impossible, but those are my 2 haypennies.

Anyone else reminded of the Woody Allen Movie ** Sleeper **? Where the leader was really dead, but nobody outside the high circles of government knew it.

In retrospect,

I don’t see where he said he was going to die for the cause now that I read a transcript. It must have been a miscommunication of the translator replacing I with “He” or whatever. Because I saw it, and heard it, live.,2933,82856,00.html

I still think he is daaayed or wounded. Or both :slight_smile:
And if he really did write the religious vitriol, and wanted to assure others he was alive, he could have stated something current instead of practically copying the text from OBL’s tape.


I am reminded of at least two movies where presidents have died and been replaced by (much more successful) lookalikes.

Rumour has it that there are three faux-Saddams out there…

Live statement from Saddam:

I think he is alive, but keeping a low profile so that the allies think he might be dead.

It will be easier to escape after the war if everyone thinks he is dead.

If, against all odds, the US/UK stops short of overthrowing the current regime, he will re-emerge as the Glorious Victor. When Baghdad falls, he will skedaddle over to Syria or someplace to live in exile on the billions he stole and try to scheme his way back in.

Or, perhaps, when the fall of Baghdad is inevitable, the head of his palace guard shoots him and turns the head over to the allies, and hopes this gives him the inside track to replace him.

Or maybe he is dead.


I heard one of his sons called all 400 of his body doubles to a meeting. He said he had good news and bad news. The good news was that Saddam was alive. The bad news was that he lost an arm.