Are our t.v. broadcasts creating our own future? Look at the enormous increase in fossil dinosaur discoveries AFTER “Jurassic Park” not to mention the dinosaur egg WITH DNA. Is the earth a giant rat maze experiment where we invent our own stimuli?
No, Delusion-Boy.
Reality does not bend to suit our needs & desires.
Here’s a simple experiment you can try at home to prove this:
1)Jump out the 10th story window
2)Sream loudly: “I CAN FLY! I CAN FLY!”
Find out exactly what the pavement tastes like.
:D :wally :p
I confess that I have absolutely no Cecil-damned idea what to do with this thread! Let’s try to keep it here, just for the heck of it.
The answer to the OP is “no.”
Has the pace of fossil discovery in fact picked up in the years following the release of Jurassic Park?
DNA? Come on.
DNA? I dunno, but I found one with hollandaise just the other day.
A rat maze? How could that be, when the mice paid for the planet?
Oh, and I almost became a sophilist, but I there didn’t seem to be anyone to tell about it…
Naww, writers read the papers just like we do, they come across some AP article on the possibility of cloning exinct animals and go, “Hmmm, I’ll write a book and a screenplay off of this and get rich!”
The reality of gene research has to do with the validity of the study not because of some magical force eminating from the Powerbook of the laziest Hollywood hacks. I’m sure movies play a part in stimulating the imagination and might draw someone into a certain field of study, Media tends to affect us in many ways, but in metaphysically creating reality that’s really pushing it.
I recently read that the discovery of fossil discoeveries did increase after Jurassic Park. There’s a very obvious reason, though. The movie sparked public interest, and made funding very much more abundant.
Life imitates art. (Although I might put it as “art” in this particular case.)
Fossils were commonly/frequently found long before Jurassic Park came out. But after the movie, the topic became more popular, so you started HEARING about the fossils more often in the media. Plus, people started paying attention more for stories about fossils (which creates demand for more stories about it…etc etc etc)
I heard government research on time-travelling cyborg technology doubles after each Terminator movie. Of course two times zero is still zero…
They are not exactly extraterrestials, but rather pan-dimensional beings who only look like mice.
Yes. Can I have my cheese now?
They are not exactly extraterrestials, but rather pan-dimensional beings who only look like mice.
what you get when you multiply six by nine…
(runs away while giggling with a rather nice looking telephone sanitizer {second class})
That’ll confuse 'em for a while eh, Dr Fidelus and Fleetwood?
Okay, so maybe the Jurassic Park thing can be justified by the fact that people just noticed it more, but what about the “coincidence” that the space program really picked up after Star Trek premired in the late sixties?
Wasn’t the Mercury program already done, Gemini in full swing, and Apollo in R&D when Trek debuted? Didn’t the original Trek only last 2 1/2 seasons and was cancelled due to lack of viewers (despite having a vocal fan group)? Didn’t Trek gain much more popularity in syndication after the moonwalk(s)?