I never read this book…from whAT I hear, it is a very explicit sex manual…it shows various ways to achieve sexual pleasure, and techniques for extending the orgasm. Is readingit worthwhile? Has anyone used the positions and found them helpful? What are the pitfalls?
I’d like to be able toextend my orgasms…Sting claims he can have them for upto three hours…is this possible?
I haven’t read it, but I do know one couple who told me that their explorations of the Kama Sutra led them to an unexpected late-night hospital visit.
You have to read it with a wide-open mind, but yes, in my humble opinion it is a very good manual.
I have a copy for sale if you are interested.
Some of the pages are stuck together, though!
It’s worthless if you’ve already messed up all the good pages
LOL, IMHO, it’s sort of overrated (in that some people hold it up as some acme of naughtiness). The drawings are actually kind of quaint if the “traditional” style drawings are used (Anne Hooper has a version with actual people tastefully demonstrating). Some positions are rather fanciful/impossible for the averagely flexible, and lots are just variations on a theme.
Good for a snicker with your SO (uh… I don’t think my leg bends in that direction…) but hardly lust inspiring.
I can think of more helpful sex-information books. If prolonging your orgasm is your goal, try “The Multi-Orgasmic Man” for practical advice. “Satisfaction” by Kim Cattrall has some very explicit advice on going down on the ladies.
It’s a very strange document. It is not just about sex, but a total marriage manual. An archaic marriage manual, where I learned that it is my duty as a wife to wake up before my husband and fall asleep after my husband. Not in bed with my husband–a good wife should nod off fitfully over her needlework.
A nice list of positions, but very down on oral sex.
FisherQueen, was it a flexibility issue?
Hmm… I read some of it. As I recall, it has advice on constructing your house (‘There should be a central yard, with pleasing flowers’), where your love’s nest should be located and how it should be furnished, on protecting your own harem as well as sneaking into other mens’.
Quite amusing.
Some of it is great fun, and other things seem more likely to produce a joint injury. Kind of like sex yoga.
If I recall correctly, they were attempting something that involved balancing on a table, or perhaps it was between two chairs. Whatever it was, they fell off.
The last SO and I decided to use our entire Spring Break to try every single position…
No serious injury, but no particular benefit gained either, except for one big thing… the “Manner the Blacksmith”… number 28, I think, works extremely well if you (as a male) are trying to hold off an orgasm so you can keep going (and going). It basically involves a lot of pulling out… the trick is to press your, ah, member between your partner’s legs before popping back in again.
As sugaree mentioned, it also isn’t much good for oral sex instruction and such, if you need it. In fact, it hardly mentions it.
So you’re saying what exactly?
Just having you on Greenback! Thanks for recognizing the old joke! And you’re invited for Christmas at Casa Quasi, anytime.
God, I love you little heathens! I really mean it! I’m 53 years old and I find myself learning something new every day! What more could a man ask? Y’all enrich me every time I sign in here!
“Hitler on Scat?” God, I love it!
Now where are my teeth Goddamit!
What I read of it (which wasn’t much, as it didn’t hold my attention) it seemed rather silly. Most of the positions seemed like they’d take more work and planning than would really be “fun” in an actual sexual encounter.
After leafing through a copy with Mudshark at the public library (these are the sort of things we do in our spare time), I came to the same conclusion as Opal Cat. And in addition to much of the advice seeming to take much of the spontinuity and fun out of sex, it was just kind of boring to read, with little of the material being applicable to today’s society. We got tired of it quickly and started leafing through a book of medical abnormalities. Much better.