Is the Trans-Syberian Orchestra any good in concert?

I might have a chance to go, and I’d like some informed Dopers’ opinions.

Never been, but my dad did, and he loved it.

Their Christmas music is simply amazing. I’d kill to hear it in person.

They are breathtaking in concert.

No murder, but would you buy two tickets off me? :smiley:

Albany might be kind of far, though.

It’s a long story, but I have two tickets to their December 23rd concert at the Pepsi, which a family member paid for. I thought about taking my boyfriend, and am still thinking about it, but he is VERY picky and I’m afraid he’ll hate it.

We haven’t been to a concert in years, BTW. It’s not normally our thing, but since I have the tickets…

Don’t know what to do.

Yeah, a 10 hour drive is kinda far even if it’s to see them. :slight_smile:

I suggest you track down “Christmas Eve in Sarajevo” off their Christmas Eve And Other Stories CD and play it for him. If he likes that, he’s sure to like the concert.

I got to see them last Christmas and it was great! Didn’t know what to expect since I didn’t really know their music that well, but it was a lot of fun. Very loud, and lots of lasers, but really fun! But the best part was watching a group of performers who really seemed to love what they were doing. That kind of energy is contagious, and we were close enough to really see everyone’s faces and the way they interacted with each other. A great night all around.

I really like the special they had on TV last year. It looks like they are becoming a franchise like Lord of the Dance. Look at the tour page of the website and they are playing several venues on the same date.

Ok, I think he might like it. We liked Blue Man Group a LOT… so we like lasers and cool stuff added. Plus I just want to take him to a concert!

Thanks, guys!

My wife (the lovely and talented Aries28) surprised me with some tickets to see TSO in concert Monday night. She knew I liked some of their Christmas stuff.

I remember a thread a couple of years ago where people were talking about “alternative” Christmas music. At the time, I recommended Mannheim Steamroller. Somebody else posted to say I should check out TSO. I’d never heard of the group at that point. I thanked them, but inwardly I scoffed. How could anyone be better than Mannheim Steamroller? I thought.

In hindsight, I was an idiot.

The TSO concert was the best concert I have ever attended. They played for 2 1/2 hours without a break. It was a relatively small venue (a concert hall that seats around 2,500 people), but the energy was amazing. They so obviously enjoy what they do, and they seem to like working with each other. And they are phenomenally talented musicians.

If you like a fusion of pounding rock music with Christmas carols and/or classical music done with a high degree of technical savvy (both musically and logistically), you’ll like seeing TSO in concert. And getting to see this concert on the day before Christmas Eve would be the closest thing to perfect in my mind.

Added bonus: They donate $1 from each ticket to a local charity. Our Children’s Hospital got a check for around $2,500 Monday night before the concert.

TSO is amazing in concert!!! For the past 4 or 5 years, my husband and I have gone every year. It doesn’t matter how many times we’ve seen the Christmas show; it’s always entertaining. I would recommend them to anyone.

But the big question is, do they play “Convoy”? :smiley:

Have to say I tagged along with some friends to see them last year and wound up counting the minutes until it ended. For some reason, I was under the impression that witnessing their much ballyhooed lightshow (and it is neat) would make me enjoy their music more. Bad idea!

If you love the albums though, by all means, go. The visual aspect is fantastic.

They split the band in half and then hire others to fill in. I think, though don’t know about this year, that Chris Caffery will be on the east coast and Jon Olivia will be doing the west. I have yet to see Olivia play the last two years when I’ve gone. If you like rock music then you’ll most likely like TSO.

If you want the original Christmas Eve (Sarajevo 12/24) you’ll find it on Savatage’s Dead Winter Dead album. The reason you don’t know about Savatage is beacuse the radio stations didn’t want to play Christmas music by a rock band so they made up the name.

I plan on going again this year at the Patriot Center near DC.

Looking at their schedule that makes sense. Thanks.

Good business sense too. Who wants to listen to Christmas music in March? They have to cram as many shows into the holiday season as they can.