You know the limerick about the man from Nantucket? Is there really a limerick that goes with that, or is that just a gag? (I have a pretty good idea what the next line would be…)
There is a limerick, I’m not sure who the author is, but it sticks with you once you’ve heard it.
There once was a man from Natucket,
whose d*** was so long he could suck it.
He said with a grin,
as he wiped off his chin,
“If my ear was a c*** I would f*** it.”
Censored for the current forum.
sniff Beautiful. Truly beautiful.
This is just one of those things that I know most people have wondered, but don’t care enough to ask for themselves. They use this as a gag so often, I started to wonder if there was really a limerick. How about the alternative; “There once was a man named Enis…”? (If there isn’t, somebody’s gonna make one up really quick. I just have that feeling…)
There once was a young man named Enis
Who was blessed with a 30 inch penis
You may think it is great
But if you ask my mate
She say’s using it constitues meaness.
Frenchmen never eat bully-bullybergers
So sing me another one
Just like the other one
And waltz me around again Willy.
That lost something in the translation there, Spav.
Here’s the obituary of the guy that wrote most of this stuff:
This is the choirs that follows each limerick. It was a traditional folk song among undergraduates of a great Midwestern state university in the early 1960s.
I can’t believe I’m posting this… ~grin~
This is the chorus as I know it…
In China they do it for Chile.
I’ll sing you a verse that is worse than the first.
Walz me around again Willy.
I have always heard “Walz me around by me willy,” with an appropriate accent.
I-yi-yi-yi Your mother does squat-thrusts on fire hydrants Lets sing another one just like the other one, and waltz me around by my willy