Just curious. Can anyone do it?
Accurately, I haven’t heard it. The guy from SNL, IMO, comes reasonably close.
This guy? He was so terrible he’s actually what prompted my question.
He’s doing an impression. It’s a caricature by definition. If you want to find an actor who does an accurate version of Obama, you’ll have to wait 15 or 20 years until they make the movie.
Right from the bat with GW Bush there were some comedians who very shortly had Bush’s mannerisms and speaking style down. Maybe Obama’s resonant baritone is difficult to imitate, but you’d think a characterization would at least take advantage of the numerous “Umms” and abrupt halts/pauses that pepper his off the cuff speaking style.
His being the first black president makes me think that nobody wants to do an impression that looks “too black” to the point of caricature.
Bush’s light style, gaffes and southern accent made him easy to imitate
He used to be better. He wasn’t even trying to imitate Obama last Saturday.
Yeah, I think Fred Armison’s done a good job in the past with his Obama impression but he was way off on Saturday.
Fred Armisen’s Obama impression has ranged from “almost but not quite good” to “completely shitty.” On last week’s SNL, it was completely shitty. When he first started doing Obama, I hoped he would get better, and now I just wish they would find someone who could do a better Obama impersonation, because Armisen is clearly not ever going to figure it out.
There’s a guy on local radio here in Cleveland who did a passable Obama on ads for a car dealership hoping to get some “Cash for Clunkers” simoleons. Never heard him ID’d by name.
He had it down pat for a couple of shows last season, but on saturday, he did not seem to even attempt an impression.
The guy from MadTV (which was cancelled) did a very good Obama, but I dont know what his name is.
Not a comic but to me Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson sounds a good bit like Obama.
Oh, yeah, he was very good. He might not have been local, though. He might have done that same spot for every market in the country. Dopers, did you hear it?
I think Fred Armisen’s impression of Obama is spot-on, especially after catching a news clip of Obama during commercials after an SNL political skit. Uncanny, if not a tad boring.
Yeah, Saturday’s was by far the worst he’s ever been–he hardly seemed to be trying. Usually, though, I think he’s pretty good (maybe because the last SNL, it was a more “laid back” Barack, so Armisen abandoned some of the more formal rhythms that characterize Obama’s speech patterns).
It might have been a pacing issue. It seems like he was able to get through the sketch a lot more quickly than if he’d been doing Obama’s formal style, pauses and all. Perhaps they were worried about having the first sketch run too long otherwise.
I think Jon Stewart does a good impression. He’s done it a few times on the Daily Show and seems to have the cadence and pauses down.
freido - The Rock Obama was one of the funniest things I’ve seen in a while.
There’s a guy doing Kia commercials on the local radio station that sounds exactly like Obama, to the point that it fools me every single time i hear him. Not a comedian though.
Whoa! What the heck in that crap? He does a wayyy better Obama than that. He doesn’t even seem like he is trying right there. I’m gonna find one where he is much better.