Is there video of how order was restored on January 6, 2021?

All the video I’ve seen from the insurrection was the mob breaking into the Capitol but I haven’t seen any video of how authorities turned the tide and regained control. Where is that footage?

Still no responses? I remember seeing a video of the attack’s aftermath, with the police/guardsmen walking the attackers out of the Capitol. I don’t remember seeing anybody being arrested at the time. Once Trump tweeted for the mob to go home, I think most of them simply turned around and left peacefully. As if all the air had been let out of the balloon. I don’t think the cameras stopped shooting at that point, I just don’t think very many people are interested in what happened afterward.

What I’d like to know is something gross. I understand some of the J6 rioters pooped in the Capitol. Was the poop ever analyzed for DNA? It would be great if the poopers could be named and shamed.

Shames, hell, try and incarcerate them for a few months.

The news at the time showed people being pushed out the door, the capitol police (or other reinforcements) spraying something (tear gas? Pepper spray? It had an orange tinge) from the doors at those who were not dispersing from around the door fast enough. Eventually people went down the steps and left. Presumably they formed lines inside the capitol main areas and pushed back the group, while others went door-to-door cleaning out anyone randomly straying through the offices.

Is that even possible? I have questions.

Discussion here.

As I recall, when the insurrection started, the capital police were overwhelmed by protesters. After way too much time, the national guard was finally brought in to help restore order.

Here’s one

Its called “# Police use flashbangs, tear gas, strobe lights to disperse mob at U.S. Capitol”