Is this turkey dead?

Canadian Thanksgiving was this past weekend and I roasted a turkey. Now, I’ve been veg for quite a few years and I’m just starting to foray into the whole “eating meat” kinda thing - so, how long does a roasted turkey last in the fridge?

I roasted it on Sunday - is it dead now? Tomorrow? Next week?

I have no idea.

(Pet Shop Owner): No it isn’t! It’s resting!

It should be ok for 3-4 days. So throw it out or freeze it today.

I’d still make soup out of it, but I wouldn’t wait until the weekend, myself. And that would be a shame, to lose all of that stock. Get to cooking!

Yah - I think I’ll turf it.

I have no idea and not much inclination to make soup.

One hopes it was dead before it was cooked, you evil woman.

If it wasn’t, she gets points for freshness and ingenuity. I don’t think I could pluck a turkey and get it into the oven while it was still live.

Turkey frame soup – there’s a recipe in the Better Homes & Gardens cookbook. It couldn’t be easier and it’s yummy.

Basically, you cover the remains of the bird with water in a large pot, simmer, strain it, add some canned tomatoes, fresh veggies and pasta, and that’s it.

“Remains” means everything, bones and all. I usually do this in the pan that I roasted the bird in. My kids even like it, and they’re not soup lovers.

Hell, salvage the breasts for sandwiches and dump the rest!! :wink:

The breasts are long gone - there’s just sort of “bits” left. Not even a leg or a wing.

“It’s joined the bleedin’ choir invisible!”

Freeze or reheat; just kill the bacteria.

I often leave a of stock/chili/whatever on the stove for days at a time, just being sure I bring it to a boil at least once a day while it’s unrefridged.