Is Yahoo DSL faster than AT&T DSL?

I called AT&T Customer Service for something else and,as usual, they wanted to sell me stuff. The woman promised me the Yahoo DSL was twice as fast as my old AT&T DSL, and I would see no other difference in the service. (For esample I was concerned that the Yahoo version would be aggressively commercial, always promoting this and that, etc.

“No. no no,” the lady said, “it’ll be just as before, just much faster.”

So, if you made the switch as I did, was your Yahoo demonstrably DSL faster?

My new DSL goes in to effect on Wednesday night after 8 pm, when I must turn off the computer and disconnect the DVL modem. Ten minutes or so later, I should get a phone call that the new system has loaded and to reconnect the modem.

BTW, I can switch back to the old DSL if I don’t like the new version.

After I commited to the change, I downloaded the free trial version of Photoshop Elements 6. Very slow - 451.3 MB total, downloading at 161 KB/sec. Took about a half hour or more. I don’t know what my reputed download speed is. I don’t know if AT&t screrwed with the speed to make Yahoo look better later on. Hope not.

At any rate, my question is in the headline.

IME there is zero difference, just a new name on the check. ATT is cobranding with yahoo to provide content.

Ultimately, it all depends. If you’re the only one downloading, then you’ll see a major difference than when you were downloading things along with 20 of your neighbors.

It’s all the same, I’m pretty sure. I didn’t make it to the AT&T buyout, but I had “SBC Yahoo! DSL Internet.” Yahoo just attaches their name to the service and the IE browser.

I realize the customer service lady says pretty much the opposite of what I’m saying, but IMO between a paid representative of SBC/AT&T and a random schmuck on the internet, it’s a tossup as to who’s more trustworthy.

Not true. You do not share a DSL connection like you do cable

Unless they upsold you to a higher level of DSL (there are maybe 3 or 4 levels of residential service) you won’t see any difference.

How much more per month will you be paying?