I don’t know about smarter than average, but none of my kids would write a sentence with too many "of"s in it.
I have no kids, (at least no human kids) but I was tempted to answer the poll for my bulldog.
She is dumber than a brick wall but cute as can be (with a face only a parent could love).
Sorry for not clarifying the “multiple child” issue, which I’m surprised I didn’t consider. I’ve had all day at work to tease it out, and I think I’ve got it. Those of you with more than one child have been reported to the proper authorities for unlicensed pregnancy. Your daughters and/or least intelligent sons will be moved into work houses to work off the substantial fine you must pay.
There, that ought to settle it.
I checked average intelligence (at 2 1/2, who can tell) and above average cuteness. He’s even in my SDMB photo. Here’s a more recent one.
Of course I’m biased. His moments of cuteness are seared into my brain while I try to forget all the screaming and begging. He also is the only blonde haired, blue eyed boy in my corner of Beijing. We are always stopped by people commenting on how cute he is. He sticks out as “special” even if he might be average in the States. But of course I don’t think so.
No biokids, I have two nephews, which would lead to marking waaaay too many of those little squares.
The Nephew/Godson, age 4: reasonably smart, but sorry, the only people who’ve ever called him “cute” are his grandmothers. He takes after Daddy in things like taking forever to do any work and refusing to perform repetitive tasks; I have a feeling he Won’t Be Happy In School.
The Niece, age 1 and a half: not cute now, but her defect as a baby is one her mother also had, and my sister in law is damn pretty now, so I expect the Kidlette will end up Looking Good. I don’t know if she’s smart, but she’s definitely a Planner; where her brother would see anything and reach for it, often falling flat, she will see something… stare at it… analyze the surroundings… formulate an Action Plan (which may involve reaching for it herself or Using A Grownup) and implement it.
His biggest problem learning to walk was that his head would run faster than his feet; hers, that she didn’t quite trust the idea of “standing on one foot, while holding onto nothing”. That’s pretty much the way her Mom’s brain works, too.
They’re both very similar to each other in looks, much more than to any other relative, but when it comes to behavior it’s as if they paired up every parental trait and picked one each.
I chuckled, and then voted the legally mandated cuter/smarter combo. Obligatory link.
That might be the cutest kid picture posted yet. Love the big blues and curly red hair combo.
ETA: given your location you might want to start warehousing sunblock.
Seriously every single kid that has been posted so far is drop dead gorgeous! So they are all better looking than average so far! Truly.
I have two kids. The elder had an intelligence test a couple of years ago and scored a nice even 100. So I suppose he is totally average! He has a good strong voice (is singing one of the lead parts in a community musical this summer) and is nice looking to handsome. I think. That bit is hard to be objective about. I think he’s VERY handsome.
The second is very intelligent. We are not sure how intelligent because he’s never been tested but he’s as sharp as a tack as every teacher he ever has tells us. Academically he’s a little bit ahead. Looks wise - he’s cute. But not super handsome. And he’s not as kind or as sympathetic as his big brother. But you can’t compare the two!
I love them both madly and think they are the best kids ever. Isn’t that what you are supposed to do??!
My daughter is both smarter and more beautiful than average. Of course many mothers feel this way about their kids, but I believe my assessment is not far off the mark. She has a relatively advanced vocabulary for her age (8) and loves to read. We finished the child’s abridged version of “Little Women” last year, and she’s been having fun comparing it to the “real” version. She’s good at math, too, better than I was at her age.
She’s also been pretty since infancy - hazel eyes, curly brown hair, and porcelain skin with a few freckles - she tends to forget sunblock unless I remind her. (no pics, sorry, you’ll have to take my word for it). People on the street stop me to tell me how cute she is, and she’ll engage them in conversation if she’s in a talkative mood. Right now she’s entering her awkward stage, as she’s put on a bit of weight, recently got glasses, and is in the middle of a growth spurt. But she still looks cute, as far as her dad and I are concerned.
The Firebug: he’s cute, and he’s not afraid to use it.
He’s 2 years 8 months old, knows all his letters (not just able to sing the ABCs, but can identify every capital letter and most of the lowercase ones when he sees them) and can give you words or names that start with that letter. He can count into the mid-20s that we’ve seen. He can tell a hexagon from an octagon, in addition to being able to identify easier shapes. I don’t have a great deal of experience with kids, but he seems to be ahead of where most kids are at that age.
oh god wtf is that THING?! you didn’t click ‘more attractive’ did you? I’m going to ask you to return that…monkey thing to its natural habitat; you know they can carry rabies.
This thread is just… I couldn’t put a price tag on it. Okay, yes I could, but it’s still A+.
Wow, this is an impossible poll, and not just because I have two kids.
My 8 year old is very advanced (5th grade level) in some areas, but average in other subjects. Also, she’s going through an awkward-looks phase- a little gangly and the parts don’t really fit together well just yet. But she’s a lot like I was at her age, so I suspect at about 16 everything will click and she’ll be stunning.
My youngest is probably slightly higher intelligence- she’s quieter and observant, and will often come out with the right answer when we’re asking her older sister questions about her school subjects. She also looks cute for her age, rather than “will be cute when she matures”, but it’s hard to say if she’ll stay that way as she gets older.
Without, obviously, citing any examples, I don’t agree.
No he didn’t? Yes, he did…
You imply that you are stunning. Got cite?
I would actually expect that as the Dope selects for more intelligent people, we woulds also have a high number of intelligent children. It just makes sense.
Now, if we all started to insist that our kids had better than average social skills, I might have to :dubious:
Well aside from posting here qualifying you as one of the smartest people on the planet, and so logically, your kids as well, posting here also means your kids are *better looking *than other people’s. No :dubious: for that?
I would automatically say that my kids are better looking than average, however I hear compliments about their looks all the time, so maybe they are. It gets awkward sometimes, like when I caught a friend (who is my age) checking out my 18 year old daughter before he realized who she was.
And by standardized testing, they always score way up there.
Genetically, it all came from the sperm, too!
I agree. We need a cite in order to check the validity of that implication… y’know, for science reasons.