It was dark when I left work today. I don't like this.

I don’t like Standard Time. Last week, there was at least some daylight left when I left work. Tonight, it was pitch black when I left work to drive home.

My office doesn’t have a window, so I’m now in for several months of not seeing the sun very much unless my office neighbors across the hallway open their blinds and their doors during the day. :frowning:

Anyone else not like Standard Time?

Actually, I liked driving to work in the dark. Standing outside and drinking coffee while the sun comes up.
Now the sun’s up and it’s boring.

Each to his own I suppose. One of the things I always look forward to at the end of March when Daylight Savings finishes is a return to leaving work in the relative cool of the dark rather than the blazing heat of the sunshine.

It’s not Standard Time I dislike so much as just shorter days in general. Regardless of whether it’s DST or EST, at some point in the next nine weeks I’m going to be getting to work in twilight and leaving work in twilight. Bleah.

When the days shorten I feel like I’m dead. I hate it. I like sun. I hate cold. I don’t like dark until 9 pm.

Driving home in the dark brings back some vague, yet pleasant, sense of nostalgia for me. I like it. And it’s not too bad to have the somewhat illuminated by the sun when I awaken in the morning.

Woo! Someone who agrees with me. I like waking up whilst its still dark at 7am. It givees me a sense of achievement.

I’d rather have the light in the morning, I find getting up in the dark more depressing than going home. But it suddenly getting pitch-black dark by 5pm is a bummer. Maybe we should tow Britain a few hundred miles south for the winter?

And tow it back in the summer? Its a bit excessive. And we wouldn’t get snow then in the winter. Which would be bad. :frowning:

We were watching TV about 7 or so last night, and my husband commented that it felt like midnight. It seems wrong to have been dark for so long by 7!!

I’m lucky - I get off work around 2, so I still have some daylight to enjoy. I don’t mind driving to work in the dark, although it’s nerve-wracking to be on constant lookout for deer. We live in the boonies and most of my commute is country roads. It can make for a stressful morning if I’m the only one on the road.

I liked driving to school in the dark (pre-sunrise, I’d usually get a hint of the sun peeking up), but yesterday’s drive blew me away…the sun was up barely, and the sky was all pink. There was fog and it was a pale misty blue. The combo was awesome! I hope it looks like that again today.

I don’t like Standard Time. I sleepily hauled my trash bin out in my underwear this morning only to discover that it was light outside. Doh! :smack:

And yeah, I want to have some time to do stuff outside when I get home. Right now, I get home at 4:30, so I have a good hour before it gets dark, but in December/January, I won’t have a half hour if that. No fun!

The dark ride home sucks. To make it worse, we’re still in hurricane Wilma recovery mode, and a lot of streetlights and traffic lights aren’t working yet. Hate it.

I tried to grill some chicken last night, and there just isn’t enough light from patio lights to do it properly. At least my power is back on, so I can cook inside.

(emphasis mine)

This threw me until I saw your location. I didn’t realize Australia did DST.

Neat- I’m learning things.

Chalk up another for “Likes some daylight left over after work”. I don’t mind driving to work in the dark, that’s fine. It wouldn’t matter a bit if I drove to work in sunlight. What I hate is getting off, after spending all the usable sunlit hours in a windowless bunker (I can and do venture outside during the day, but this is my rant), only to see the last few minutes of daylight fade to black.

And besides that, I hate cold weather unless it’s beneficial to the adventure. I like snow skiing in the cold, no problem there. I hate having to fix busted pipes in the cold. Changing a tire in the cold. Getting the newspaper in the cold. Anything in the cold.