ITR Champion, shut your pie-hole

Found a link. Scroll down about 8 images:

I suppose you could split the difference and ridicule both.

No, you yourself say he believes what he says – even though what he says is not a product of reason. That makes him an idiot, not a troll.

Its a tricky issue from the bullshit perspective because bullshit is when you make a statement irrespective of whether or not it is true. So if ITR knows that what he says is false but says it anyway he is a liar and not a bullshitter. But we’ve established that ITR really believes the things he is saying, so he can’t be a liar. But from our frame of reference he IS a bullshitter because he came to believe the things he says to us without any respect for the truth.

Also, he is a troll isn’t he? Have a look at those thread titles

This one also labels him a troll:

Since I like debates about the existence of God, I generally like ITR’s threads, even though they are somewhat peripheral to the issue. And I have to guiltily admit that I like to see my own atheistic view supported with the inevitable smackdown.

And no, he’s not a troll just because he has an unpopular viewpoint and argues from that viewpoint. It’s not even an unpopular viewpoint in most places, this place is an exception.

I’m not sure one can both believe something and not think it’s true.

That is not an implication of the argument.

I think it is. He believes what he’s saying, therefor he thinks it’s true, therefor he’s not saying it without regard for the truth --at least his truth.

More succinctly, if you know a person frequently comes to believe things to be true without properly evaluating whether they are true or not, then you might regard the things they say as bullshit.

Oh, I certainly regard it as bullshit, but ITR champion doesn’t, so he’s not a troll. As I said he’s an idiot, or perhaps has some psychological illness that makes him delusional.

Given that, I agree. He’s an idiot, not a troll.

Wow, you may be the first person I’ve ever convinced of anything on these boards! Thnk you.

I think his threads are utterly bizarre. They’re like anti-PR for the Catholic Church and for religion in general.

I can tell you.

Originally, it stands for either “Ineligible to Return” or “Invited to Resign”, depending on whom you ask. It’s the term for failing out at Harvey Mudd College (ITR and I are alumni). I don’t know for sure, but I’d guess that the Champion part of his name has to do with winning the ITR games, which is a semi-organized competition that many students take part in. I’ve not personally played, but I gather it’s some sort of tag/capture the flag/etc. variant that takes place within the academic complex at night. All the buildings are connected via underground tunnels, so there’s lots of room down there to hide and seek.

Is that really appropriate for a mod-hat-on post?

Just askin’.

I don’t understand his links. They really don’t address his points.

(I just started in with him on a new thread and said I don’t agree with the thread about him in the pit… yet, but so dang close…)

I apologize to you and all Harvey Mudd College alumni, wherever they are, but every time I see this (and it’s been something like 4 times in the last week here), I wonder if they offer a B.A. in selling pharmaceutically enhanced mail-order brides or something…

Wow…gee, thanks, Dib. :slight_smile:

I think he’s said it stands for: I’m Totally Retarded. So really, Chimp can’t help it.