It's a fucking dog. Get over it.

So some local kids burned a puppy on a grill. I think it’s a sick fucking thing to do, and it’s a Jeffrey Dahmer thing to do. But I’m angered more at the demented humor of these kids, not at the suffering of a dog.

Would anybody have given a FUCK if it weren’t a puppy? What if they had grabbed a fish out of the river and thrown it on a grill alive? Or a possum or something like that? I’m sick of the majority of people only giving a shit about “cute” animals. Fuck you guys. It’s a dog. Why does anybody give a shit about a dog?

I, for one, am sick and tired of people who want to treat their animals like people. Or women who walk around with little dogs poking up out of their purses. Are you so lonely or afraid of human contact that you have to place your trust and love in an animal that shits on your floor and licks its own ass?

People have even gone so far as to start calling them “fur kids.” As if a dog is a substitute for a person. I’ve even read where some PETA activists want dogs and cats referred to as “animal companions,” not “pets,” because that insinuates ownership.

THAT’S BECAUSE I FUCKING OWN THE DOG. It relies on ME to feed it and let it out. I’ve had a couple of dogs and I liked them a lot. I took care of 'em and washed them and held them when they got their shots. But when a dog dies I don’t blubber like a bitch and think it’s the end of my world. I put him in a plastic bag, bury him and move on.

Some day I’m going to go to an animal rights rally and I’m going to make a huge fucking sign that says:


Pretty soon, we’re going to be hearing about people travelling in herds to some remote city to marry their pets. See if that doesn’t rate an amendment.

Now, I’m not a heartless bastard. I fucked up a kid once because he shot my dog with a BB gun. She never walked right ever again. But I put a lot of time and attention in to that dog, she was a real pal. But I never treated that dog like a person. No dog deserves to be treated like a person. And people shouldn’t be treated like dogs.


You might want to watch your use of the word “fucking” in future Pit titles. Lots of “clever” people around here like to morph it from an expletive to an adjective, and make many simply wonderful jokes about it.

Turkey Curse, you are a cock.

Not that this tirade is worthy of much response - but yes, the major, overriding reason to be concerned about horrific acts of animal cruelty is that they are warning signs of incipient Dahmer-hood. Lots of serial killers and other sociopaths got their start that way.
BTW, you’re a complete jerk.

Y’see, I’m really not. This is just one of those things I think that people don’t like to hear. I love dogs, I really do. Love to be around 'em, and I love cats too. Even though the hair goes straight to my nose.

But the point is, the majority of people defend only cute animals. And there are a surprising amount of people who take it waaaay too far. Am I really the only person who thinks it’s screwed up? Or just too mean about it?

I agree that some people take love of animals way too far. I remember reading about one woman who wanted to have dog fetus’ implanted into her uterus so that she could actually birth them herself.

Three letters and a smiley: OMG. :eek:

You’re too mean about it.

Some people take it too far, but some people are soft-hearted and love their animals and want to take the very best care of them. And they get attached to them, very much. Doesn’t mean that they aren’t (or can’t) get just as or more attached to humans. It’s just that they include animals in their “circle of love,” so to speak.

Pardon me, I’m off to feed my 20-year-old cat through a dropper, because he got shot by a BB Gun while IN OUR OWN YARD by some inbred half-wit, and we’re trying (possibly in vain) to nurse him back to health. It’s taken a lot of effort to care for this kitty, possibly more effort than someone who says stuff like “It’s just a fucking dog” can understand, but there you go. :rolleyes:

Turkey Curse, I’ll put this in ten words:

I’m a vegetarian. I own two dogs. You’re a fucking retard.

I’m sure you think your point is both insightful and clever. It’s not. PETA are morons, but kids who throw a dog on a freaking barbecue are worse. If you think you can even make a case out of this, you’re a royal dumbass.

Tell you what, we’ll make that eleven words. :smack:

I have been the target of an extremist animal lover. I casually mentioned that I was getting a dog, and so it morphed into a discussion about the ethics of pet ownership. This person said that she would go back into a burning building to get her dogs, cats, etc. I said that if it were a choice between my son and my dog, the dog was toast, and that there is not a single animal that is worth my life or the life of anyone in my family.

What did she call me? That’s right, an animal abuser. :rolleyes:

I no longer have any time for animal-rights people. It’s not like I ever needed them to tell me how to ethically treat a pet, but they feel the need to tell me anyway, and if that lady was even remotely representative of the whole PETA/militant animal-rights movement then I’m better off not even associating with those people.

By the sound of it, she isn’t. Any sane human being would save a fellow human, especially your own child, before a dog. Animal rights protestors, the good kind, protest against things such as scientific testing on animals, and some of the images I’ve seen of test subjects make me say I have all the time in the world for ARPs.

Of the militant part of the movement? Yeah, she probably is. But that’s not the point of Turkey Curse’s rant. He’s equating people like the nut you described with posters who are disgusted by the fact that two kids barbecued their dog.

Ok, so I’m too mean. And no one who says ‘fuck’ in the title is being clever. I’m not trying to be clever, or witty.

I’m pointing out that I think it’s just plain weird to attach yourself to a dog. Or cat. Or whatever. But it will always be “just a dog” to me.

And hey, I’m not saying you can’t love and baby your animals. I just think that it’s fucking retarded to treat 'em better than you would a person.

As for the kids…I’ve been working at a Nashville tv station and we reported the story. We teased the story. It led to a flurry of phone calls and I was cussed out repeatedly because we were going to do this story. The fact is, most people want that kind of sensational crap (I don’t really care for it). The other fact is, we didn’t show any pictures of a grilled dog. We talked to people who were there and we reported that it happened. We reported that those kids will probably (hopefully) nab felony charges. But people sure a FUCK would not call in and protest us running a story if it had been a middle class white dude who got burned almost to death. They’d be glued to that.

THAT is my problem. THAT is what I’m bitching about. THAT is why I say fuck the damn dog. Put those kids in therapy and tell me what’s going to happen to people who murder, rob and rape. Those are the people I’m concerned about. Human suffering is on top of my shit list.

Your shit list is binary?

I don’t have a problem at all with the posts over the grilled dog. That’s totally fair game. It was a filthy thing to do and it should be discussed. I want the other end of the spectrum here.

Psycho kids
Psycho animal people

Is that fair?

I’d rather have more of the animal-babying type of people around than the puppy-barbequing, but maybe it’s just me.

I love my cats, I treat them with children, they respond with affection and we’re all happy. This negatively affects your life how exactly?

You feed children to your cats???

There are people who are more comfortable around animals than with people, and some who obsess over dogs, cats etc. more than the norm. And so what?

Then there are those who don’t connect well with animals or people. And I suspect our beloved Turkey Curse is in that group, based partly on his boastfulness about what he does to people who cross him.

God, I’m not supporting or condoning the kids. I want them to be punished. I want them to be watched (even though the they won’t…the parents are too busy trying to make ends meet to really watch the kids…it’s a shame). The 14 year old is psychotic. Probably beyond help and that fucking breaks my heart. He is going to kill or rape someone someday and there really isn’t anything I can do about that.

I just don’t think it’s necessary to treat cats and dogs like children. I’m not saying you’re wrong to treat 'em like children. It’s just plain unnecessary. I, at the risk of sounding mean again, personally think it’s foolish. That probably makes me an asshole. Oh well.