Tell me about it! In addition to it being a nice day, I have two large meat lovers pizzas coming! In about 40 minutes this day is going to get a lot better!
Things are looking up. Due to the blizzard, the office is closing at three, so a nap is in my near future. On the downside, the University of Minnesota mens basketball team choked.
I just came in from pruning back all the roses I could find in my yard. Some were mostly dead, but a few should be quite lovely. I wore gloves, but both arms got scratched. The sun was shining, there was a bit of a breeze, and we’re finally getting seasonal temperatures. Oh yeah - and some of the forsythia are starting to bloom!!!
I’m dying to get started with other yard work, but we’re borrowing my mom’s chipper/mulcher next weekend, so I’ll put off most projects till then. It’s Friday, my sweetie’s on the way home, and life is good.
We all woke up this morning and our feet hit the floor…could always be worse…Finally got a call about the new house, should be a done deal in a couple of weeks. The kids are healthy, the refrigerator is full, steaks are fixin’ to go on the broiler…did I mention the kids are in the middle of the living room with their coloring books with a pile of crayons about a foot tall a two foot square at the base…great day