It's February - who still has Christmas decorations up?

My wife just took down the last of the indoor decorations that we still had up over the weekend. I still have lights strung in the bushes in the front of the house that I haven’t brought in yet. They’ve been unplugged for a couple of weeks, but I haven’t gotten around to taking them down and packing them up yet. And we still have some bows and wrapping paper in the spare bedroom and a few other Christmas-y items in the kitchen that haven’t been put back into storage yet.

Still have lights on the roof - but we don’t turn them on. Its just too darn cold to get up on a roof/ladder (plus unsafe on the roof) to do it. March for sure.

We don’t, but lots of people in New England keep them up forever. Our joke used to be that they keep them up until the Easter Bunny took them away – only a lot of them stay up past Easter. There’s one house near where I used to work that still has the same decorations up from when I started there almost 20 years ago. And I have no idea how long they were up then.

So there are lots of wreaths and “kissing balls” turning brown and fire-hazardous up here.

I knew one neighbor several years ago who still had them up at the tail end of April. It was pretty surreal because they had lots of free-standing ornamentation in their yard too.

There’s one business I pass on the way home that still has lights and evergreen swags on their front railing.

My decorations were down by the first week of January, though there are still some wreath trimmings on a table in the garage.

My neighbors across the street took their lawn decorations down on Friday. I just looked out my window. Their tree is still up (and lit!) in their front window and there’s still a jolly Santa on their front door.

The light rope is still over the arch to the front room, but I’m going to have to take it down soon because Caelan can now reach it from the bookcase. Silly kitten thinks it’s a toy.

No decorations outside, but tree and related items are still on display inside the house. Wife likes 'em; they stay up until Valentine’s day.

Fake tree is up yet, with decorations. We didn’t put it up until a few days before Christmas, and we’ve been too lazy to take it down. Maybe this weekend.

The outdoor lights and pine garland is still up. You’re welcome to drive over and take it down in this miserable cold weather. I need to trim the apple trees first, when it warms a bit. Decorations come after that.

Anybody seen Easter decorations in yards yet?

Me. I’ll probably take the inside ones down this weekend. The outdoor lights will stay until it warms up!

I just took the wreath off the door this afternoon.

Us. Our small tree is still up in the living room.

My tree is still up in the dining room, but all I have to do is carry it upstairs and stick it in the closet. I’ve just been too lazy to do it.

I will admit that I have some Christmas wrapping paper rolls standing in the corner of my bedroom closet (waiting to be removed to the basement until next year) but…My next door neighbor still has a plastic Santa in his front patch of yard (we live in townhouses) and garland in his window…and it is irrationally driving me nuts. :wink:

What kind of person do you take me for? Of course I’ve taken down my Christmas decorations - did it the first weekend of Jan. Just walk into my house and you will see them stacked all over the kitchen table, the living room chairs and various other places. I take down the decorations but I’m not allowed to put box them up because I won’t do it right - my wife has to pack our many boxes of precious memories, wrapping each and every one, before they can be moved the 10 feet to the attic.

I just took mine down yesterday.

Took ours down last weekend!

The colored lights are still on the spruce tree (front yard). It gives me comfort to see them shining on these dark winter nights!
Plus, I like to be the guy who keeps celebrating Christmas till St. Patrick’s Day!
(Is till have a Christmas CD in the car player).:smiley:

Jeez! I just realized that our lights are still wrapped around our deck railing. At least they’re unplugged.

And there are still presents that my daughter and I have unwrapped, but still haven’t used yet. (videogames) It’s just that MarioCart is just darn addictive!