It's official: stupid makes you cruel or Simon is Nicer than Paula After All

There’s a blind guy on American Idol this year. Not 100% blind, but definitely close enough that he uses a cane, doesn’t/can’t focus on people he’s speaking to, and puts his hand out to be shaken in a random way that makes plain he can’t see the person whose hand he’s trying to shake.

He sings nicely, not great in my opinion, and plays piano beautifully, and I think he made it as far as he has because they didn’t have the balls to say no to the blind guy.

He always sits at the piano to sing, or tries to, I think he stood in the first round. But standing to sing is obviously a game of “chicken” for a blind man, and would obviously, at the very least, add a layer of pressure and anxiety to his performance that he has a right to avoid.

Last night, Paula and Simon have the following exchange:

Based on the above, I hereby declare that in spite of the fact that Paula has been much more coherent this season and obviously less drugged (feeling the heat from Ms Hottie, obviously), and in spite of her ongoing attempt to be The Nice One, she is stupid. And because she is stupid, she says really stupid things that undermine her intention to be The Nice One and instead turn her into the Mean one. What did you intend to convey, Paula, that McIntyre take some risks, like risking breaking his neck by falling off the stage while he “mixes it up”?

And Simon was very nice by simply calling her remark stupid, not saying exactly why it was stupid because those of us who aren’t stupid understand it already, and very nicely making the Elton reference so as not to call attention to why it was stupid for those who didn’t get it.

So screw the fake nice, Paula, and try being real nice, which involves even fewer drugs and more thinking before you open your mouth.

Not a big deal, but I felt like saying it. Because stupid bugs me anyway, but it really bugs me when it manifests in such a way as to cause harm.

I think I understand what Paula was trying to do though [that realization alone is causing me no little concern, I’ll have you know].

I think she didn’t want to treat him differently than she would treat another contestant, and in doing so gave him the same advice she would give a sighted contestant. There’s nothing wrong with a blind person standing at a mic, or sitting on a stool at the edge of the stage, or sitting on the edge of the stage itself, etc. Plenty of sighted contestants do that. I bet she was just trying to get him to have a little more stage presence and not lump himself into the category of ‘useless without piano’.

Simon was probably being nice because he knows the kid isn’t going very far (on the show) anyway, so there’s no need to try and improve his performance. He does what he does, and he’s good at it even though overall, and in relation to some of the others, he’s weak. Don’t try to change him b/c you’ll just screw him up when he goes home in a couple weeks.

Stupid not cruel, stupid not nice, stupid just stupid. Everything harder when stupid. Try to be nice, fuck up…stupid. Try to be mean, fuck up, stupid. Don’t know stupid till you have kids. They tell you. Stupid.

I don’t watch American Idol so I didn’t see the episode, but I can’t understand why this is even an issue. Unless the blind contestant had a mobility or balance problem (which is possible), it would be reasonable to ask them to stand up while singing.
Although I do not have vision problems myself, I do volunteer work for an organization that helps the blind. The contestant could be told approximately where the center of the stage is or guided there. Yesterday we had a new client who was unfamiliar with the layout of the building. The guy I work with guided him along the wall “go along the wall until you get to the first doorway on the left. That is my office” (he could feel the doorway openings with his cane), “take one pace past here and turn to your left, that’s the classroom entrance”. If Paula told him to jump around or dance onstage while he was singing I could see the outrage, but I don’t see anything wrong with asking a blind contestant on a singing show to stand up and sing instead of sitting at a piano, especially if he wasn’t actually playing the piano.

I actually agree. Paula had a very poor way of phrasing it, but I think she was trying to say, “You’re going to start getting boring and lose the people who still think you’re ‘interesting’ if you keep singing from behind the piano.” This is completely true. I think plenty of people have voted him through because they think having a contestant with a disability on the show is cool and interesting. Unfortunately, that’s probably most of his vote. Those people are going to quit feeling like they need to vote for him soon, because there are much more interesting and better performances going on all around him. If he wants to hang on to some of his vote, he can’t get too boring.

Of course, his song choices aren’t helping, and that’s something he could change easily, without having to worry about accommodating his disability. The judges who commented on that were spot-on also.

Okay, let me just say I hate this show and I hate its standards for what constitutes “good” entertainment.

Given that, though, the show is not about finding the best musical talent. It’s about finding a combination of qualities of which musical talent is only one. Being blind effectively prevents you from scoring in all the categories.

Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles are two of the best American musicians in history. But they would have no business going on “American Idol,” because the show’s list of criteria includes things that they could not possibly do.

So, they should just be honest and say – if you’re funny looking, fat, old, or have some sort of physical condition that would interfere with becoming a shallow, pretty pop star, just don’t bother coming on the show, because there’s no way you’ll win.

I think this thread is perfect for Cafe Society. I’m going to move it there from the Pit.

Pit Moderator

Winners do include a really fat guy and a former plus-size model…and debatably, a couple of funny-looking people too. You do know that, right? Or are you just making assumptions about a show that you don’t watch and stating them as though they’re fact?

Um, Fantasia? That older guy with the gray hair? Yeah, that big guy too.

I’ve never seen an episode of AI but cultural osmosis means that I know who some of the winners are. Those weren’t shallow, pretty pop stars.
Edit: Millit beat me to it.

So you really believe that the other 8 out of 10 winners just happened to be young and hot? And you don’t think it signifies that the judges often write off contestants because they “don’t have the look”?

Just curious as to what American Idol requires contestants to do that a blind person wouldn’t be able to handle. I’ve seen the show a couple times, and IIRC, they aren’t required to dance or anything. And as I said, I don’t see why someone couldn’t be guided or verbally directed to the center of the stage (which should be free of trip hazards), and allowed to move around a little. The only accomodation I think they’d really need is to have someone nearby to make sure he/she doesn’t wander too close to the edge of the stage.

Reuben Stoddard excepted.

There have only been 7 winners. And no, I was talking about Ruben and Jordin, and then Equipoise brought up Fantasia and Taylor. That’s 4. Four out of seven who aren’t pretty popstars…

I’m not saying that looks don’t play a part. That’s another discussion entirely. I’m saying PLEASE don’t come into a thread and spout incorrect information about a show that you don’t watch or (apparently) don’t know anything about.

In what way is Jordin Sparks not young and hot?

ETA: Sorry, thought it had been on for longer. I was guessing with the 8 out of 10 number.

Don’t forget Gay Akkin either.
Although I would like to see the trend of Nickleback clones not continue.

She’s young and very pretty, but she’s also quite plus-sized by Hollywood/music industry standards.


Another Jordin photo

Don’t get me wrong–I think she’s a gorgeous gal. But she’s way “thicker” than 99% of the non-Idol popstars out there, most of whom are about a size 2. Hell, Jessica Simpson and Britney Spears have both been criticized heavily for “getting fat” when they were, in fact, a few sizes smaller than Jordin.

Aiken didn’t win though.

Looks may be a part of it (as well as their singing ability) but more important is their “likeability”. It is a popularity contest after all isn’t it, and popular people are chosen for their likeability.
If blind guy sits behind a piano and has a messy hairdo from the 70s it doesn’t matter if he has that “popstar look”. He’s more likeable than disney princess girl Jasmine who has “the look”.

Carrie Underwood is about the only stereotypical pretty pop star, and she did have the best voice that year. Kelly Clarkson is considered thicker than your average pretty pop star. I love David Cook but he has a huge balloon head and without stylists (and even with) he’s not exactly pretty. He also stood at the mike and didn’t dance, just like Scott could.

Okay, fine. I’ll cop. The music is shitty, so I assumed that everything else about it is shitty too. But that just makes it worse. It means their standards for what constitutes good music are really, really bad.