It's scary out there

::: Looks out the door:::
It’s dark and scary out there.

From the document I just signed
I have received a written summery of the 2006 Voluntary Salaried Separation Program (the “VSSP”) that I have read and understood. I have had an opportunity to ask questions about the VSSP and consult with my advisors. I have decided to voluntarily separate my employment under the terms and conditions of the VSSP.
So after 15 years of doing what I have been doing, I will be striking out for a job unknown. I don’t think I have ever quit a job without one being lined up ahead of time. Well I guess there is a first for everything. :eek:

I didn’t come to this lightly or easily. I love this job and this company. My biggest fear is that Ford could go to court and terminate their pension plan, and I would be fucked. By taking the VSSP I can take my Volvo retirement out and put it in an IRA where it will be safe.

Anyway the company still has to accept my offer, they could say no. If I am deemed too valuable to the company they won’t let me go. This would add fuel to our saying that we can’t be fired, slaves have to sold. :dubious:

Assuming the company says good riddance, I will be out looking for a job soon. Anybody need a corporate trainer, road warrior, shop foreman, or service manager?

I’m afraid I don’t have any job leads, but I can tell you that both Mr. Legend and I have had some of the very best results from taking leaps of faith like yours. Just look at your sig - you’re living the dream!

Good luck. I have the feeling if it doesn’t find you, you’ll make some for yourself.

Man, you’re a mechanic with managerial experience. I only WISH I had your skills.

Take a look at the news - half of the problem with this country (and world) is that everyone drives cars, so they say. So everyone needs mechanics and all those mechanics need someone to tell them what to do. You’re in.

Um… eh?

I don’t really get the “they can say no” part. I can say “quidjibo” but it won’t stop my employees from quitting…

I can always quit, but to get the the sweeteners they have to accept my voluntary separation. The sweeteners include an extra years pay to go away, continued medical benefits, life insurance etc.
Like the Dilbert cartoon about early retirement programs said, they are paying the experienced people to go away.

Zipper I have gotten to the age where I need to show somebody else how to twist the wrench. Damn it hurts when I have to actually work on a car. :slight_smile:

Wow, Rick. Coffee’s not done, I just rolled out of bed, and this is the first thread I open!

My employer seems to have a revolving door. People quite or are laid off, and then they come back. Any chance you can abscond with the loot, put it in a safe place, take some time off, and then get re-hired?

I wish you the best of luck.

Rick- I’m afraid I have nothing of consequence to offer but I wish for you to get the results you would most wish for in this change. I will continue to follow this to see how you fair.

Good luck on your job search! :slight_smile:

They say no, but I have seen it before.
that would be pretty funny to come back as a contract worker.
I already have one dealership expressing an interest in hiring me as a shop foreman, so I may not have to get a cardboard sign and stand on a freeway offramp
Will fix Volvos for food
Stay tuned sometime in the next week or so I will know if the company is going to accept my offer. I tried to call my pointy haired boss on Friday, but he was taking a vacation day. Not wanting to make/ruin his weekend, I did not call him at home, so Monday bright and early, I need to get him on the phone.