It's sometimes surprising how quickly fat middle aged men can pull a knife

So, I work evenings, so my lunch break is really a dinner break, not that this is particularly relevant other than to understand why at 6:15 CST I’ve just gotten back from lunch. How was it you ask? Not bad- a pastrami panini and fruit cup with- and this is the secret- a few sunflower seeds on both, washed down with some raspberry tea. But you’re getting me off topic.

So, I went into Books-a-Million next door (“We’re the Buchenwald of Booksellers”) to pick up a copy of Psychology Today, which is oddly foreshadowing. I’m standing in the magazine aisle at the back of the store when what to my chubby white ears doth appear but a Garth Brooks clone who’s calling me queer. Well, sort of…

I hear what sounds like a redneck- though not a drunk one- having a heated argument on his cell phone, but I decide to ignore it since he’s not using expletives and I’m a live and let live type of person and I don’t like being stabbed. But what the dude is saying on the cell phone is a bit interesting (and to say I’m eavesdropping is kind of like saying you’re eavesdropping at a free concert):

Well this cleared things up for me a bit and so I decided not to say that there aren’t really any serpents indigenous to Alabama that could even eat a person let alone drag them back to their ‘serpent hole’, but it’s okay because

1- it’s HELLLLLLLLLL he’s talking about, not a literal serpent whole

2- always the chance she’s repented by now anyway which would render the whole matter moot

3- it’s really quite alright because when he turns the corner he’s not talking on a cell phone anyway

4- or to anyone else in particular

Well, he really and truly does look like Garth Brooks- especially the denim everything and the huge white cowboy hat. And unlike most people prophesying loudly in public places, to quote Ringo Starr “he’s very clean, isn’t he?” One might say immaculate almost- doesn’t look like he’s spent any time on the street, his boots and identification belt buckle are polished, and save for the fact he’s screaming random Bible verses in a “Foghorn Leghorn’s off his Lithium” voice he wouldn’t attract much attention unless you, as was I, were raised by a mother who always taught you that to wear hats inside is the height of gauche (but tastes vary so I decide to let that pass just this once).

I bury my nose in a magazine (couldn’t tell you what it was other than I think it had Beyonce in it) and he, now about 6 feet from me, yells out

and by the end of the statement he’s rounded

As he passes I stage-whisper to the guy near me (black guy, looks kind of like that black actor guy who was in the movie about that black family) “Actually I had the panini not the harlot… do I still get dessert?” He laughs and says “Naw man, I think it’s no substitutions on Tuesday… gotta have the harlot if you want the pie…”

To which the Prophet Garthariah replies

to which my new friend replies “I bet he has too… heard somebody laughing… don’t mean they were there but I bet he heard 'em…”

And he’s now about faced and returned among us once again (even though technically I think three have to gather in his name for him to appear [but he might be Chris Gaines today so who knows]).

New (but fleeting) friend: “Perdition must be at the Starbucks cause I think that’s where I’m headin’ now. Take good care of our prophet friend here…”

[exeunt New Friend and most of the other customers]

Well strangely, none of the employees seem to hear a rabidly mad Chris Gaines guy yelling apocalyptical warnings and incitements, or leastwise don’t seem to think that it’s anything to check on (and after all those remaindered WISHBONE’S ADVENTURES books aren’t going to file themselves in the dollar bin). I decide it’s a good time to make way towards Perdition myself but unfortunately I’m now the last member of his audience and he doesn’t want to lose me.

[Otto from FISH CALLED WANDA]What was that middle option?[/Otto] Not that it matters- I shoplifted a couple of things when I was a kid but I think really the last one’s the kicker for me. (Actually these days I’m more in the Sodomite Reserves, but I think it’s kind of like one of those “I havent’ been to sea in years but they still call me Admiral” thingies, and the fact that’s a reference from Evita sort of clinches it.)

There’s medication available for that you know…

I make a polite “Please excuse me” and make my way towards the checkout register and the glass doors to perdition, and he seems to calm down. I hear him say

but then he’s silent.

On the way to the front I pass by a couple of employees, the two of them about my age if you add them together and subtract about four years, and they’re talking about the situation, and I swear on my holiest pair of boxer briefs the younger one (whose three forehead pimples look astonishingly like Orion’s belt- a true but brief descriptive diversion) says

“He’s been yellin’ like that, but I don’t thank he’s talkin’ to anybody. I heard him say something about Lucy Loveless…”

“Hi, I’m Lucy” I say by way of introduction. The elder, the one who may be at least scouting junior colleges by now and thus the manager on duty it would seem, says “Yeah… hey…” with a clear "no idea what else to say look on his face.

To challenge the awkward silence and give some avuncular advice I say “I would consider calling 911…” to which the younger guy says

“I don’t know if they’d come” and then confidentially “I think the guy’s mentally deranged”.

Artist Rendering of my Expression. (Regrettably I can’t find the one where his face revolves.)

What I thought: “No shit?!”

What I said: “No shit?! Yeah, I’m inclined to agree, but I think he might be a danger. He’s certainly a danger to your business…”

Both of the manger managers keep their regular expression with a "deranged Garth Brooks prophesying and making threats in the magazine section, Wishbone Adventure books filed, Love in the Time of Cholera with the movie poster cover’s in the ‘Buy 2 Get 1 Free’ counter… yeah, everything seems right.

“Yeah…” I say. “The Montgomery Police Department definitely will send somebody for a mental patient. Trust me. I used to work as a liaison twixe police and mental hospitals…” (true). And they look at me as if I’ve said “Yeah… you know, if Romanus IV Diogenes had picked any other moment of his reign and any other place but Manzikert at that moment I bet he would have kicked some Muslim ass, but stumbling onto that Armenia or burst Seljuk army like that, boy might as well have just said ‘Hey Alpie, I’m turning myself in, what y’all having for dinner?’.” The only response is from Pimple the Elder who allows that

“I’m not the actual manager, she’s not here today… I’ve got the employee handbook and all but I’m really not sure how to handle this…”

“Check in the index under Garth Brooks… and maybe Chris Gaines” I suggest, and leave to the front.

So up front is the wizened crone of the employees on duty, a college age girl who looks like she might actually have dim memories of the Titanic craze from her childhood, and I say “You might want to call 9-11… trust me, that guy’s harmless now but that can change in a heartbeat. I worked with the mentally ill for years, they’re quite mercurial… I’ve seen guys a lot tougher than him who put the cuffs on themselves and go peacefully and I’ve seen little bitty grandma looking women do thousands of dollars in damage and there’s no way of telling which is which… you might need help.”

“Well, he seems to be in a good mood right now…” she says.

“Do yourself a favor and him a favor, call 911… Dude needs help.”

Her: “It’s not my call to make I’m afraid. I’m not the manager. Dave’s the manager on duty and he’s not the real manager either…”

"Okey-doke… " and I give her my magazine, she looks at me as strangely as for some reason half the clerks in town do when I buy one item and say (though I’m not particularly green) “I don’t need a bag, thanks…”, and I key in my debit card code. Am almost finished when I hear just behind me

Thought: should I turn my head and scoff or just look straight ahe

And though I shouldn’t have, for I’m no rookie when it comes to M.I.s, I turned to look at him. I didn’t turn into a pillar of salt (well, a little flakiness around the cuticles, but I think that’s coincidence), but as I turn he says

and his right hand shoots into his front pocket.


on edge of chair

So, I’ve always carried a knife- you never know when you’ll need one- and I always keep them ridiculously, almost overcompensatingly, sharp. The one I had on me today is, I’m told, the most expensive one in my collection- I’m told it retails new for around $200, though I got it in a trade with a friend. It is spring-loaded and super sharp however, and certainly very durable.

So the crazed and angry Prophet Garthabinadab has just said

and shoved his hand into his pocket very quickly.

Instinctively, having no idea what’s about to emerge from that pocket, I reach my hand into my own right pocket for my knife. With lightning speed I draw out my own knife, flipping the spring mechanism so that the knife is “fully erect” as I withdraw it, toss it slightly into the air so that I grab it by the dull end of its blade, and almost as if my whole body and the knife are one and this is a scene from a movie I’ve hurled the knife. It spins in 360 degree turns that would be imperceptible if this were not almost a slow motion moment, and as the Garthite levels a single shot derringer straight at the clerk’s forehead my knife catches him square in the chest. You’d not have thought that it’d been thrown with enough force to penetrate his sternum, yet it did. The EMT said that it severed the aorta, and that this same man had just killed his wife and three neighbors and was planning to kill 9 more times before the day was out. Had I not hurled the knife, nobody knows what would have happened in that store. And as the news media came in and asked to interview me I felt a tingling in my neck and realized that I was somehow swinging from side to side neath the timbers of Owl Creek Bridge, which was very odd you see for I was in Books-a-Million.

Well, everything up to and including the part about my reaching into my right pocket for my knife happened. The afterwards part is a bit embellished. Rewinding a bit…
*Instinctively, having no idea what’s about to emerge from that pocket, I reach my hand into my own right pocket for my knife. * Of course once I do this I remember that I was carrying a digital camera in that pocket today because I’m taking some candids for some promotional posters at work, and that I moved the knife and other contents into my left pocket so that I could go fast for the camera if I saw somebody or something that was poster worthy.

So I put the camera back into my pocket and reach into my left pocket. I pull out my own knife and place it into my right hand, then turn it around so that the trigger to the spring mechanism is facing upward, and when it doesn’t activate I try turning it around so that the blade when ejected will be pointing away from my wrist. This is actually a good safety precaution.

Meanwhile Garthaziah has withdrawn his own hand and said again

to which I’m thinking "God, am I that obvious? I mean, I know that if you look at gay dot com and all you’ll find that pretty much every gay guy you know bumps himself up a notch on the “mannerisms” section- somebody who makes Liberace seem like Charlton Heston will for example enter “Masculine acting but not macho” while if they say “Somewhat nellie” it means “one more hissy fit and they’d have to buy tampons” and “All over the map” means “Richard Simmons but owns a pickup”, but I honestly thought my “In the middle” was pretty accurate. I mean I’m obviously gay if you know me and notice that I never date women and love showtunes, but I’m also a slob and I’m at least as much a Civil War buff as I am a Barbra fan an

Well anyway, he’s said

to me and the non managerial whore, and he holds up

his car keys.

and he leaves.

We all looked out the windows to see where he was going and what he was driving. I don’t know why it surprised us, because he was dressed well, but he drove a Garth Brooks worthy Dodge truck, late model, easy $20K blue-book value. Dude has some financial support from somewhere (but then so did Crazy Dave, a trustafarian lunatic I once knew of whom this guy much reminded me). Anyway, he drove away, and that was a damned good thing for him, because he had not even cleared the parking lot before my knife blade was out and ready to rumble, because I know a thing or two about knife fighting, for as the song goes

“When you’re a sodomite you’re a sodomite all the way
from that first knife-wielding fight when you say 'Mama I’m gay!”

I had the knife and the choreography all ready to go.

Somebody says “He has Coosa County tags”, to which I mentioned “That explains it then” and we all nod. (Coosa- a very rural county about 40 miles north of Montgomery where- absolutely true statement- when I was a kid the liquor store/courthouse/jail/library/and a drugstore were all located in one building (though it was two stories; the Coosa County line passed through the farm where I grew up, so I claim some slight nativity thereto.)

So I say to the Management Babies Three “Seriously, folks, if that guy comes back, call 911… it’s for his good and you’re own. Cause I might not be here to to protect you next time.”

The elder of the managers (the one who probably has pubes) says “We will. Thank you sir.”

And I exit.

I don’t know how much I agree with the above, but I like the idea of agreeing it.
In any case I really did get called a Lucy Loveless Sodomite by a Garth Brooks looking nutcase in a bookstore at lunch and people even here have said (for I’ve told the story twice while writing it) “These things always happen to you for some reason” (and not disbelievingly: some of them have seen these things happen to me). I really did get cornered by Ladybird Johnson’s garrulous lesbian cousin at my mother’s funeral, I really did have a dental hygienist sink to her knees to pray I wouldn’t need a root canal, I really did have four women (one of them my sister) ask me to father a child for them in one week a few years ago, I really did meet a guy at a book discussion group who convinced bar owners to keep anthrax vaccine on hand and later cut off his hand at the forearm with a radial saw to prevent himself from masturbating, and don’t believe I could make this stuff up. I do wonder how much is just being southern in the 21st century and how much is just the recognition factor.

In any case, the moral of the story is don’t do drugs and wear your seatbelt, but not at the same time, cause I might not be there to protect you.

Oooo, ooh, I know!! I know! From the title, I can infer that he’s going to pull out… his penis!


Wait… your sister?! Even if she’s a stepsister/adopted, that’s just all kinds of wrong.

Well, if you have to be a weird magnet at least you can entertain us internet junkies. :smiley:

Wild applause

You really do have some adventures, don’t you?

Oh, thank God. I thought your Queer Paw Paw had gotten mad at you for spurning his advances.

Not quite as sordid as it may sound. A lesbian couple asked me to father their child (I declined- too many prophecies could be fulfilled) but considered it and asked the advice of several people. When my sister heard of this through the grapevine she called and asked me (and she was not joking) “why don’t you breed both the lesbians and they’ll keep one and we’ll [she and her husband] take one, cause I’m in my late 40s and if I had a kid it’d have flippers and a tail but I’ve got a ton of money and need an heir and that way it’d have my genes”. She also referred to it as my “stud fee” and suggested (tongue in cheek) that I should sell my stud services on ebay (“college professor, late 30s, farm fresh sperm in 24 hours… will personally deliver for $2000 extra”).

Ugh. Luckily I’ve rearranged my schedule where I haven’t had to work at the same times that old queen is here since I wrote that. Hopefully it’ll stay that way.

Most disgusting addendum to that story: I was telling a friend of mine who I’ve known for many years and who I currently work with sometimes about this. Very sweet “Italian grahnd-ma-ma” with odd tastes in men. She initially said “Ooh… that’s woonderful! I think he’s very gude luking… sort of Peter O’Toole or Anthony Hopkins…”

Which is perhaps a little bit true, they may have similar looking toe fungus, but otherwise he’s all Mr. Humphreys/Leprechaun hybrid. Cultural difference I suppose, but she also wasn’t irked that he was married… “Oh, in Rome we basically figure, let him worry about his wedding vows, you worry about your own and if you’re not married…have fun!”. Weird exchange, but I did convince her I was physically and morally repulsed by the old she-toad so now she’s offered to help run interference.

OK, well that’s… less weird, I guess.

This doesn’t really scan, you know. Apart from that, you are my new hero for this thread. You win 5 Internets.

You always make me crack up, Sampiro, you’re such a card. When are you ever going to settle down with a nice guy and have a family? I swear, the way you talk you’ll end up in jail some day. You better not. Where are we going to hear stories like yours? :wink:

No, it’s not.

It is less creepy.

It also defines “southern” writers.

[That toss-away bizarre line that is picked up later as a story line …]

That was my first thought too. Glad I was wrong. And glad you’ve scheduled your way away from him, Sampiro.

Three cheers for Sampiro! Long live crazy adventures!

I won’t say you’re a freak magnet, Sampiro. I will say that you’re a story magnet.

Which is worse.

Except for us, because you write them down.

Honestly at this point I would have bet money you were going to say, “I’ll take sodomite for $200, Alex.”

Hell, before I go to see my dentist, I almost sink to my knees to pray that I won’t need a root canal. And I’m an atheist!

I’m glad you learned something from this. Even if it’s just “if you want the dessert, you have to take the harlot”.

Huh, swear to aisha that the continued part wasn’t there when I posted upthread. Damn you, capricious hamster gods!

Wonderful! A great way to start my “up way too early to be at a meeting on the road after being up way too late traveling and getting ready for the meeting” sort of day - a nice “Mr. Sampiro’s Wild Kingdom” report.

Thank you sir. :smiley: