I've been invited to a party. Cordially!

Has anyone ever been invited to any party in a non-cordial fashion? Has anyone ever done anything cordially beside issue an invitation?

And what does sweetened lime-juice have to do with it anyways?

It seems the word “cordially” has formed a symbiotic relationship with the word “invited” such that each can no longer survive without the other. I’d be taken aback if there were not other cases of symbiotic words.

I’ve been known to sign business letters “cordially.”

Of course, I’m a weirdo, so I’m not sure if that proves or disproves your point.

I’ve eaten cherry chocolate candies cordially.

I’ve occaisionally been cordially requested to do something, generally unpleasant.

It does seem like rather a weak word for an invitation. If you really wanted me there, you’d have breathlessly invited me, or perhaps proudly? Perhaps you’ve nervously asked me if I’ll come, and you’re chewing your nails off until you hear from me? How else would you invite me but cordially? Perhaps you could be honest and say you reluctantly invited me, because I’d hear about the party from our mutual coworkers. Sometimes I have been disdainfully or contemptuously invited to things, but it never said that on the invitation.

I was thinking that maybe inviting you to be the guest of honor at a hanging party might not be so cordial, but Merriam-Webster includes "sincerely or deeply felt " in its definitions of the word.

What other words seem to occur (usually) with only one other
[li]Cordially invited[/li][li]Taken aback[/li][li]malice aforethought[/li][/ul]

Oh, hell yes. All the time.

In college: “Dude, we’re partying. Get your ass over here!”
At work: “The boss will be really pissed if you don’t show.”
From relatives: “You don’t have to come; we understand if you don’t care about us and you’d rather be somewhere else. Don’t feel guilty if you can’t come.”

Matter of fact, I’d say non-cordial invitations outnumber the cordial ones.

Has anyone ever used “hue” by itself in the sense of “hue and cry”?

I s’pose this thread is badly titled if what I was interested in are these “symbiotic” words.

“Without further ado.” It’s never just “ado,” only “further ado.”

Hm… “cordially” means, literally, “from the heart” or “with all your heart”.

In Spanish I’m used to seeing it linked to both “loves him cordially” and “hates him cordially” :smiley: