I've got my first real job! I'm, like, a real person now!

…And I haven’t even officially graduated yet, ha!

Yes folks, next Tuesday I’ll be graduating with my Masters in Social Work. Yesterday I was offered a position I was really interested in and today I called to accept. I’ll be starting June 5 I think, if not the week before. I’m so excited, I get to really start my life finally. The pay isn’t quiiiite what I’d like but I know this agency has a great reputation and working for it holds high esteem around here. And hey, it doesn’t hurt that I’m the first of my friends to get hired. :slight_smile: WOOHOO!

Congrats on graduation and getting that job! It pleases me to know that you will now be working to support me in my old age. :smiley:

Congratulations!!! That’s great news. (And congrats in advance on the degree…)


When you get your first paycheck, be sure to wave your credit-card around like a maniac while running all over town and singing the theme from The Mary Tyler Moore Show!


Now you can start working on paying off the national debt like the rest of us. :slight_smile: