Jack In The Box Baseball Antenna Balls... Your Team?

Here in St. Louis, JIB is offering Cardinal balls. I was curious to know if this is a St. Louie thing only, or if JIB is offering your team’s antenna toppers. Are there toppers for the Yankees, Pirates, Angels, A’s, Diamondbacks, etc?

Perhaps a collection series is in order between us doper folks?

They have Dodger ones out by me.


I’ll send you one if you want. E-mail me.


Yup. I’ve seen ads for both Angels and Dodger ones.

They have A’s and Giants balls here.

Why do I suddenly have visions of an official SDMB Jack in the Box antenna ball collection? Rows upon rows of staring, lifeless eyes…

We can put our names on them and send them all to Cecil; he’d have to recognize our existence then. :wink:

They have Mariners Jack antenna balls. We picked up a bunch last week.

What I wanna know is if they’re all the same. The Mariners one is wearing a Mariners batting helmet and is blowing a plastic bubble-gum bubble. And he has little puffed cheeks drawn in.

Are the Cali teams’ antenna balls like that too?

Astro’s Balls Sighted In Houston!

Padres balls (as described above) sighted in San Diego.

Rangers ones (with bubblegum) here in northeast Texas.



They’re on ebay now. And I never knew there were so many locations of JIB:



So where’s astro, and why are his balls travelling without him? :smiley:

They sell both the A’s and the Giants up here–not just limited to one side of the bay or the other.

Around here you get your choice of Dodgers or Angels. I want a Padre one. Is there a Cubs one?