Jan 6 Hearings Follow-Along & Commentary Thread (Starts Jun 9, 2022)

Obviously, she should have worn plaid.

Order Garland to prosecute Trump. If Garland refuses fire him and appoint a different AG. I hear Preet Bharara is available.

To tell Garland to, as the saying goes, shit or get off the pot.

Some of it has to be something about Donald Trump in particular.

Think four years earlier to Mitt Romney. Another rich guy, somewhat dubious conservative credentials, has the fabled conservative media machine working full time for him over the first black President in American history, two years after a “shellacking” in off-year elections, out of eight states considered battlegrounds in the runup to Election Day, he loses seven of them.

I think part of it is that Donald Trump seems like the kind of guy you’d go have a drink with in a bar after your town’s manufacturing plant gets shut down and moved to China, while Romney seems like the guy who did the deal to shut it down.

Couple that with running against Hillary Clinton at the end of a quarter-century of her being the conservative bugbear, add in the post-choice rationalization created by the primary season, add a dollop of “miracle win” in the environment of various projections of an impending Democratic victory, and you can sort of see why he became an object of devotion to many segments of the electorate.

Respect your opinion, but I don’t think this is it at all.

As non-Southerner – in fact as a Northerner so far north in fact that I’m north of the USA entirely – I had a hard time understanding much of what Senator Sam was saying. To quote Dave Barry:

Senator Sam Ervin’s language is Deep Southern, “similar to English, only unintelligible.”

[Everything he said sounded like] “We go’ heppin’ wif de corn pone”


It ain’t Biden’s place to do that. Seriously, that’s the kind of shit Trump would do.

That’s always a good rule of thumb. For instance: it would be totally appropriate to pull Fox News’ White House credentials, since they’ve demonstrated that they’re bit interested in covering the news. But … that’s the kind of shit that Trump would do.

Only if you bought the drinks

He’s not there giving sympathy. He’s playing on your sense of grievance, telling you it’s the fault of those other people, egging you on to go bust up the cars of the guys who did this to you, and making sure you’re the one paying the tab (h/t to Railer13).

Ha, now you sold me! As long as he’s not touching anything in the bar with his bare hands and has the Secret Service ready to hustle him out of there at the first good opportunity to get away from these hicks.

Hitler was expert at channeling the frustration and rage of Germans in his time, and Trump is perfect for channeling the same for his base: angry, frustrated, (mostly) stupid and ignorant, and (mostly) racist white people in the US in the current era.

Trump is stupid, ignorant, and downscale, so he helps such people in the US feel validated. Although he has no gravitas or planning ability or real political skill (as Hitler had in his own evil way), he does have a wily, cunning sort of charisma that doesn’t work on anyone who, well, knows anything. But even smart people who are angry, frustrated, and mean can support him because they see the deplorables flock to him and perceive, correctly, that he is an apt rallying point for their collective fury and will to power.

That is why Trump succeeded in 2016, but I don’t think he will again, since, ultimately, the deplorables don’t like to see their clown alpha fail, and he has failed and seems weak now. The problem, however, is that the MAGA-heads have found each other and know that in their numbers, even if they are not in the majority, there is substantial strength.

They don’t care about the rules any more. They don’t care about truth. They’ve learned that they don’t get punished for not doing so. They going to keep on trying until they tear this fucking country apart or they fall down exhausted. The latter could take a long time.

If ever I could believe that someone had sold his soul to the devil in return for wealth and fame, it would be Donald Trump.

But I don’t believe that.

I heard a description once of the perfect salesman. It’s someone who can instantly read the person they are with, and become their best friend. If he’s with a racist, he’ll tell a racist joke; not because he’s a racist, or wants a laugh, but because it will gain the other person’s trust. Characters like that are always portrayed transparently in fiction, but in real life, sometimes it works. Once you see through it, it’s obvious. That’s my take on Trump. Say what you want about Trump being stupid, but he’s a genius at seeing some people’s weaknesses and appealing to them. He gets people to trust him and do things for him. It doesn’t matter how many people he has thrown under the bus, how many of his previous businesses have gone bankrupt, or how many times he takes the money and runs, he will always be able to convince people that the next time will be different.

Notice that there’s nothing in that description about what the salesman is selling. Could be luxury condos or recapped tires; it doesn’t matter. Debates about Trump that focus on policy miss the point. Donald Trump does not care what policy he is selling. He did not seek the presidency in order to set an agenda or enact laws. He was there for the popularity and the cheering crowds, and with all that money and power circulating around him, a lot will end up in his pocket and people will thank him for taking it.

Umm, CRP (CREEP) et. al. managed to torpedo the Democratic candidates they didn’t want run against and gave Nixon the largest margin of victory in the Electoral College in a U.S. presidential election (until the 1984 election) and as of 2022 the last time a presidential candidate captured more than 60% of the popular vote.
Spitballs? Nixon won re-election because of Watergate, in its totality, for fuck sake.

The rank and file are in it for the racism*, since Obama they don’t care if you know it. His higher level supporters are in it for the graft, they see him getting away with it and want in.

Any other “motivation” people come up with is just human nature finding patterns where there are none.

I’m not sure what that means. Watergate was insignificant to the election. It was a minor mistake by CREEP that blew up after the election.

CREEP and “The Burglars” sabotaged the Democratic candidates that Nixon didn’t want to run against. The break-in that got them found out was the series’ last act.

See: Rat Fucking and The Canuck Letter among other shit they successfully pulled off. That’s what “Watergate” was.

Maybe not. Liz has raised, iirc, 2 or 3 times as much money as has her primary challenger. It’s extremely easy in Wyoming for Democrats to change their voter registrations to Republican so they can vote in the Republican primary election. Large numbers of Dems are likely to do so in order to support a sane Republican in a state where voting Democratic is a wasted effort.

I stopped underestimating Liz Cheney when she won election to Congress in Wyoming in spite of being a really blatant carpetbagger. She lived in Wyoming close to the minimum length of time required to run for Congress.

I think the confusion is that most people associate Watergate, as a term, with the scandal. What you seem to be saying is that Nixon won in part because of the shenanigans that were uncovered in the wake of the election. Most people would say the second half of that is Watergate, but you’re saying the whole thing is Watergate. Yes?

The argument is, from what I’ve understood (and understand from what @crowmanyclouds is saying), is that CREEP did a number of illegal actions which had the purposeful impact of weakening the field of Democratic candidates, and the Watergate break-in wasn’t some one-shot thing but the last of the, until-then, successful operations which brought this state of affairs into being for 1972.

And, to your question, some call the entire CREEP operation “Watergate” which, imho, is incorrect. But some do.

Right, this is what blows my mind. Trump wouldn’t be caught dead in some shitty bar with the likes of some loser who lost his job. In fact, Jared Kushner was probably the guy who moved the jobs overseas, after Trump got some big kickback from China to close down the plant.

Trump would be the guy who hired some of the losers who lost their jobs as cheap labor to paint fence on his nearby golf course. The fence would be there to keep the riffraff like that loser in the bar off the course. And then, he wouldn’t pay those losers, because only losers pay their bills.

But, I agree, his followers think that’s what he would do, for some reason that continues to escape me. And, they are willing to go to jail and be disbarred and be shot in order to show their loyalty on January 6 to a man who is loyal to no one but himself.