JAQ off here

Just today learned of this expression: Just Asking Questions- meaning posting an inflammatory remark as “just a question”. Post yours here (need I say, all remarks are tongue in cheek?)

Here’s mine: “How many Americans has Obama murdered since taking office?”

Why haven’t you ever denied your involvement in the Kennedy assassination?

Why haven’t they investigated the long-term effects of every ingredient in vaccines?

What was the real story behind Ronald Reagan’s jellybean addiction?

Why haven’t Native Americans apologized for all the white settlers they killed?

What did Sarah Palin know about the “accidental” death of Grizzly Man, and when did she know it?

Is John Kerry the government’s secret drug mule?

Nevermind, that might be against the new sexual jokes rule.

Why won’t Glenn Beck address those rape allegations?

And just how many licks DOES it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?

You guys are missing the all important touch of faux innocence. You want something more like this:

“I’ve been hearing rumors that Hillary Clinton is a lesbian and her marriage is just a cover. Does anyone know if this is true?”

I’ll go for the classic
When did you stop beating your wife?

“When Mormons swear allegiance to Satan, do they raise their right or left hands?”

“Does fluoride give you cancer before or after it makes you sterile?”

“When a Protestant ignites upon entering a Catholic Church, how hot do the flames get?”

“When we switched to chess.” - correct answer :smiley:

As I keep telling people, it takes three.

What’s the real reason Jon Stewart was forced to spend three months in the Middle East?

this board has an authority on everything!

Can this post be considered threadshitting when the OP asks for everyone to shit in the thread?

Where were you when the walls came down?

How long have the Koch brothers been in control of the GOP?

Why haven’t we seen birth certificates from the Koch brothers?

How long have the Koch brothers been planning to increase the number of Americans in prison?

Where were the Koch brothers really born?

Who do the Koch brothers meet with?

Have you ever seen the Koch brothers and the Olsen twins together?