Jaw-Dropping, Gut-Busting, Or Nauseating YouTube Clips: Give Me Some

I’m currently unemployed and spend quite a bit of time on the internet, looking for the Next Big Thing™ to show up on YouTube. So far, my results have been hit-and-miss.

So, dear friends of the SDMB: give me some YouTube clips. But not just any old YouTube clips. Give me some stuff that is truly outrageous.

You decide what constitutes outrageous. All I ask is that it will either make me gasp for breath from laughing so hard, run to the toilet to puke, or leave me with my jaw hanging in amazement and/or shock.

Amuse me.


Look up “gunther.” He pretty much hits the trifecta.

These have been around for a bit now, but just in case:
Little Superstar.
Igor Falecki, the Russian drumming kid.

A music video called Do You Take It (not work-safe)
A live-action version of the opening to The Simpsons
Jesus lip-synching to I Will Survive

The obligatory guitar link.

An amazing robot.

Oh, and here’s one of the Gunther videos Mindfield was talking about. It’s truly, truly awful.

shudder That’s the first Gunther video I saw a couple of years ago. It was so spectacularly, self-mockingly bad precisely because he takes himself so seriously that I had to save it. Those aviators, that 70s porn star mustache, the disco come-to-Gunther looks – it’s a musical highway pileup you are loathe and yet compelled to watch. It would be brilliant satire if it was intentional.

It’s ancient but this forklift safety video is a German classic:

Staplerfahrer Klaus (some graphic images)

The English subtitles are far from perfect but that doesn’t really matter.

Robot Dance Competition of Some Sort
The last kid kicks everyone’s asses.

The very persistent toilet-flushing kitty cat made me ROTFL.

Kimbo Slice is an ex-con underground bareknuckle boxer. I won’t link to it, but there’s an easily found video of him fighting a guy named Leonard Byrd in a backyard where he basically knocks his eye out. Just hanging out of his head.

Guess it can’t hurt if I post a couple:

Baby busting a gut. BTW, what does that caption at the beginning say?

Skittles™ singing rabbit.

Go to youtube and do a search on ‘octopus shark.’

I knew it! This kid from fifth grade totally owes me five bucks!

watch it after gunther.

amazing what a bunch of high schoolers from Montana can come up with.

My hands are bananas:

How about some Treadmill aerobics?

Steve Chelios talks about his youth hockey coach, Jules Winnfield.

Give him the “Gourmet Shot”!

“Yeah, Inglewood Jack”!

I just saw this on the news, and I believe it says something to the effect of, “Can anyone be more happy?”