Jeezum Pete, enough with the fundraising emails for an election that is 13 months away!

So, we’re in MT, a battle ground state for the Senate, and hopefully the house as well. We WILL be giving money and have in the past. The barrage has been unrelenting, starting just after the LAST election. I get emails from Tester, Obama (not really, the DNCC), Biden (same), and of course Ruben Gallego in AZ. I get that it’s an important seat, but 5 emails every frigging day?

I sent Tester a reply to what was supposed to be his .gov address saying “We are going to give you real money. Tell us when and what it will be focussed on!” Crickets.

.gov email addresses are used by government employees for official business. While congressional employees are probably exempt from the Hatch Act, I would hope there is some separation of duties between accepting donations and what a .gov address is mostly used for, such as constituent services. So, at least in my dreams, that’s why your email was ignored.

I also live in Montana, and have received a number of emails from Tester. It’s annoying, and I do plan to contribute, but being prodded every few weeks isn’t helping their cause. Tester has already raised quite a bit of money, but I guess you can’t have too much.

I expect a lot of out-of-state money will be flowing into Montana from both sides fairly soon. The amount I donate is an insignificant drop-in-the-bucket compared to what some wealthy donors will be providing.

I’m glad Tester is running. I would have thought he would have gotten tired of it by now and gone back to managing his Big Sandy farm full time.

Yeah, don’t do that. You need to contact his campaign directly.

I don’t get emails, but I do get texts from time to time. I keep blocking the numbers, but new ones keep popping up. They say they are from Democrats or Democratic groups but since I can’t tell anything by the sender number, which is all I have to go on and I presume it could be spoofed, I’m not sending anything to some rando who bought my name on a list.

Thanks for the advice–will do. The biggest offender is the DCCC. Probably 10 emails a day.

Same here but it’s Trump and Republicans sending me about four text messages per day, begging for money. They’re all different numbers so can’t get blocked, but they get marked as spam by my carrier. Just for yucks, sometimes I’ll open the spam folder, but they’re pretty much all the same.