This happened years ago when I was in High School.
After lunch period we were sent to the gym for an hour of unsupervised fun. The guys spent most of this time sitting around talking and playing cards. Anyway, one day I forget to bring my cards with me so I go ask the teacher on guard duty if I can go to my locker and get them. He says “yup” so off I go.
My locker was located at the intersection of two hallways, and on the opposite side was a bulletin board for current student events. While I’m rooting around in my locker, I notice “Bob” looking at the bulletin board across the hall. They had just put up the Honor Roll for that 9 weeks and Bob is simply overjoyed so I guess he made the list.
As I’m standing there, two girls walk by him and that’s when I see the look in Bob’s eyes,
Jeepers golly, this is certainly my lucky day!! How can I miss?
So Bob goes up to one of the young women and says, “Hi”.
Standing by my locker with a deck of cards in my hand and watching Bobs face go from absolute joy to utter devastation is one of my strongest memories of High School.
No doubt about it, Bob was a geek. But not even Bob deserved to be shot down so brutally.
Yeah, I’m sure you can come up with more brutal stories than this, but for me this does a good job of summing up why High School sucked.
P.S. The only other time I had any dealings with Bob was when I sold him my entire comic book for $15.00
P.P.S. No I don’t know why I’m telling you this shit.