Jelly Beans

I just opened a huge bag o’ Jelly Beans. Cappuccino is my favourite. What’s yours? Please don’t reply if it’s peanut butter

I like watermelon the best.

And butter popcorn, because it feels…wrong…eating it.

Champagne and Rasberry Jelly Belly’s mixed together are my favs.

And contrary to popular belief, peanut butter and grape Jelly Bellys do “not” taste like a PB&J sandwich. At least IMHO.

Grapefruit when I can find it.

And those jellybelly recipes are pretty dandy (ok, maybe the PBJ one desn’t work) especially the Black Forest Cake combo.

:smack, smack::

In order of preference, and they must be JellyBellys (No off-brands, please. I can tell): very cherry, watermelon, tangerine, green-apple, bubblegum, root beer, crushed pineapple, and lemon.

I hate (in descending order of loathing): jalapeno, cappuccino, licorice, coconut, sizzling cinnamon, cinnamon, chocolate pudding, pina colada, peanut butter, top banana, grape jelly, and toasted marshmallow.

I miss the ice mint flavor. <sniffle>

For those of you who have not yet taken the tour…

Buttered popcorn. It’s just so weird–buttery and savory and not sweet, but a candy. The mind boggles.

The pear ones are good
So is the cappuccino (sp.)

There’s a grocery store near me that sells them in bulk and separated by flavor. One can be evil and buy a whole bag of nothing but buttered popcorn and coffee jelly bellies.

I love Jelly Bellys! My favorites are orange, tangerine, pear, margarita, pina colada, Dr Pepper. I hate licorice and jalapeno. We like to play a game where you close your eyes and someone puts one in your mouth and you have to guess the flavor. It’s harder than it sounds! Some flavors are just a little odd, like popcorn.