Sailor proved his might with a wonderful guess in my previous contest. Now it is time to have a new test of wits for all of you.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to write the best song about me. Yes, another cheap ploy for attention and compliments but I don’t care. I want to be loved and you people haven’t done enough of it recently. So, feel free to use existing songs and tweak them for me or come up with something original. Make it short like a commercial jingle or an epic saga of beautifully rendered song stylings like the Backstreet Boys.
The winner will be chosen by me based on however I happen to be feeling when the contest is over. Bribes will also play a big role. Also, naked pictures of women. I’ll let this one run until sometime on Sunday night. Now hurry up and kick out a witty little ditty for Mully.
[fade in to an American flag waving in the wind. Mullinator stands in the foreground, saluting sharply.]
[sung to the tune of “Battle Hymn of the Republic”]
Mine eyes have seen the glory of Mullinator’s post
He is the southern Doper whom I admire most
So let us raise our glasses and to him make a toast
That he keeps typing on!
Glory, glory halleliuah!
Glory, glory halleliuah!
Glory, glory halleliuah, Mully keeps posting on!
He is the finest man in the accounting field
To him the credits bend and the debits always yield
And when he sends in taxes with a kiss it’s always sealed
And he goes typing on!
He is the epitome of a good Republican
With compassion in his heart and a strong tax cut plan
Let’s hope the RNC says “Mully- you’re the man!”
And keeps him typing on!
[slow for big finish]
He hath written of his life in both glory and defeat;
He hath risen in the list of “Poster I’d Most Like To Meet”;
And at 6’9", at basketball he’s just sweet
[Cartman voice]Super sweet![/Castman voice]
And Mully goes posting on!
[Fireworks in background. Tear rises in Mullinator’s eye as choruses of small school children swarm about his feet singing “And Mully goes posting on!” Wife rushes up and kisses him, dog runs up and rubs against his leg.]
To the tune of “Oh Susannah”
Well he is an accountant,
and does sysadmin too.
Give him another title
there’s nothing he can’t do.
On the SDMB
He lives in At-l-anta
With a dog he named Daisy
He roots for the Cubbies,
although they never win.
He plays all night at poker
and votes Republican
On the SDMB
He lives in At-l-anta
With a dog he named Daisy.
Mully, CPA.
Got a good job with more pay and he’s O.K.
Mully he’s a gas.
Grab that cash with both hands and made a stash.
New home, Labrador, basketball floor,
Think he’ll let me in his front door?
Mully, he is tall,
Always wins the center court jumpball.
Mully, R’publican,
Don’t give him no Democrat politician.
He’s in the fiscal con-servative political party,
And I think he will vote Georgie.
Mully, likes poker,
Plays it fairly he’s never mediocre.
Mully, Dems do say,
Is the root of all evil today.
But if he asks for a tune it’s no surprise that here
In we’ll weigh.
Sheesh. You guys have some damned good entries. Mully, don’t let yer head get too big.
I am amazingly impressed at this point. I can’t even try to put these to their respective tunes yet because I am laughing way too much. I really need a deep breath here.
I am not above bumping my own thread for selfish needs. C’mon people. Sing, sing a song.
How lame, my third post in a row on this thread.
SInce turnout was so low I am officially naming John, Wahoo, and Unclebeer the greatest three human beings to ever walk the face of the earth. I will amend my will accordingly. Who wants the velvet Elvis paintings?
If I delete the other two, will I still have to take the velvet Elvises? (Elvii?) I guess the lousy liberals have no sense of humor.
Gah! Velvet? Look, I’ve got nothing against Elvis, but the feel of velvet just makes my skin crawl, kinda like nails on a blackboard. I have no idea why, it just does. (This was a great source of consternation to one girlfriend of mine, whose entire “sexy” wardrobe was velvet. I’d drool when she wore it, but run screaming when she tried to get close. Kinda mixed signals, I guess.)
Anyways, since ChiefWahoo was yet to deny the prize, sounds like he gets them.
OK, then you guys get to choose among the mansion, sports cars, supermodels, and gold buillion.
Okay, but I’m gonna need someone to do my taxes then. Got any recommendations?
Oh heck, I’ll do it. There is the matter of my fee. Since it basically works out to the value of what you have won, I’ll just keep all the goodies but you can still hold on to the joy of having created a fantastical musical number. Perhaps an off-Broadway play would be a good idea.