JLU: Are Vigilante and Shining Knight an item?

I mean, you always see them together.

Unless it’s just that they’re both horsemen.

Isn’t the current Shining Knight female?

They’ve been allies ever since the 1940s, as members of the Seven Soldiers of Victory. If they bonded as friends, it’s possibly due to being horsemen, or being men out of time (Sir Justin hailing from the Middle Ages, and Greg Saunders who was flung back in time to the Old West, and back again).

I don’t know about Sir Justin, but the Vigilante is as straight as a cowboy can be.

“I wish I knew how to quit thee!”

Yes, but secretly. No one’s clued her in that female superheroes are cool now. Wonder Woman needs to sit her down for a female empowerment heart-to-heart.

Me, I still think Ystin is transgendered, instead of just faking it. Of course, s/he does like boys, specifically Galahad (now there’s a futile crush for you).

Can I say that I really hope the new Shining Knight doesn’t stick? In fact, I’m going to commit comic book fan heresy, and admit that I’m not really digging any of the SSoV stuff. Frankenstein’s Monster was pretty cool, I guess.


The picture on wiki does show them riding two to a horse, just like those Knights Templars , and you know what they say about those them… (Wink-wink, nudge-nuge.)

Burn the [del]witch[/del] heretic!

Can I at least get a trial by ordeal? Maybe something involving reading Chuck Austen’s Worldwatch?

You, sir, are funny. :smiley:

If you notice, they both seem to spend alot of time with Atom Smasher. I don’t know what it means, but it must mean something.

Wait…the guy in armor in that picture is really a woman? With that jaw?

No. The female SK is Ystin, who comes from a Camelot 10,000 years ago.

The SK in that picture is Justin, a man, who comes from the more familiar 1000 year ago Camelot.

(It’s…a tad confusing if you haven’t read Morrison’s 7 Soldiers…)

Here’s Ystin, the new secretly female SK

Caught me by surprise, at least.

Just saw the JLU episode, and it’s clearly meant as a reunion (of sorts) of the Seven Soldiers of Victory, what with Shining Knight, Vigilante, Green Arrow, Speedy, the Crimson Avenger, Stargirl and S.T.R.I.P.E. (i.e. the latter-day Star-Spangled Kid and Stripesy), with a proto Newsboy Legion thrown in for laughs. All you needed was Ma Hunkel and some Asian kid playing Wing.

Hey! That would allow for a new take on the “That’s the Original Red Tornado” , No, THAT’s the original Red Tornado" scenes, since the classic one would not fit into cartoon continuity. Not that too many people would care, but I would love it.