That’s sad. I didn’t know he was battling cancer, but then I haven’t watched him on television in a while. 63 is too young.
Siegel was in my graduating class at Hamilton High in LA, and he showed promise then of being a boat-rocker. He and another student produced a short-lived “underground publication” called The Iconoclast which ripped a variety of sacred cows (keep in mind, this was about 1958). The two were suspended for a while for their troublemaking.
I wonder how much a copy of the one and only issue of The Iconoclast would bring today?
Well, Kevin Smith has a new dancing floor.
Sorry to hear that.
He seemed like a nice guy with a good sense of humor - however, I never really liked his reviews that much. Most of the recent ones were all puns and so short that by the time the review was over, I still had no idea if he liked the film or not.
Yeah, I always liked him himself but felt his reviews to be lightweight.
his son is just 9. it is a shame they didn’t have more time together.