Partial confession here, I have watched The Hills too much. My wife likes it, primarily because it reminds of when she lived in Hollywood and I often end up watching it too simply because I want to have regrets on my deathbed.
But the real question here is this:
You have the option of banishing either the loathsome Jon and Kate or the loathsome Spencer and Heidy from the tabloids, the news, the late night talk shows, everywhere, forever. They would simply be anonymous a-holes to just their friends, families and co-workers. But you may choose only one?
Definitely Spencer and Heidi. I’ve never seen a single second of The Hills, hell, I haven’t turned on MTV in years, and I should NOT have to know who those vile little shits are.
The Pratts. And I use that name with more than its denotation as a surname in mind.
Jon & Kate are fame whores. Spencer & Heidi are some sort of dire fame whores, in the D&D sense of “dire” as “much larger than normal” and “dangerous to be around”…or at least “dangerous to be between them and a camera”.
The deciding factor, for me, is imagining the look on each respective couple’s face when they receive the news of their banishment. For Jon and Kate, I think it would probably be a little pouty, but maybe, just possibly, a little bit of relief.
For Spencer and Heidi, I imagine there would be screams. Terrible screams, reaching unto the Heavens, echoing shrilly in the darkest depths of the Earth. Cries perfectly encapsulating the forceful removal of everything that they have lived for their entire adult lives. And tears. So many tears.
I’ve never seen either show, but The Soup routinely rips on both. This past week they showed Spencer going after Al Roker for an interview he did with Spencer and Heidi, calling him “some weatherman” or something or other. They ended the clip piece with someone talking to Al about his interview with them, and how it appeared that Spencer was getting agitated, and what would Al have done if Spencer’d gotten up and went after him? Al said he’d drop him like a sack of potatoes or something similiar.
I see a Celebrity Boxing show in someone’s future.
I don’t watch either show, and I don’t really “get out” much - yet I am familiar with both pairs. I can’t completely hide from the world!
I did watch “I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here” and could not take my eyes off the Spidey train wreck. It was delicious. It did indeed make me want to see more of those two loonies.
John & Kate are just sad. I think they should go away, for the sake of their kids.
I don’t give a shit about The Hills (no offense to those who do), don’t understand the appeal of The Hills, and have negative interest in these supposed “villains.” They’re aren’t villains; they’re spoiled, egocentric, naive, overprivileged brats that I have no reason to know by name. If they were ripped apart by the Rancor on their next “reality” show, I may tune in. Otherwise, go the fuck away. (Hmm, pregnancy hormones seemed to have magnified my reviling of these…things.)
Kate sucks and Jon’s a brat of a different sort, but they are humble servants compared to the Spencer shits.
And I know the OP didn’t specifically ask this, but…
I’d like to see them all on Celebrity Deathmatch. Kate would reduce Spencer to tears before ripping his still beating heart from his chest, Jon and Heidi would sneak off for some nookie, and I would giggle softly.