John Tesh Suckles Falwell's Necrotic Ballsack

At work, they play one of the local radio stations, for reasons I’ve not been able to figure out. You can hardly hear much of it over the general noise of the place. However, during the bulk of the shift, we’re subjected to John Tesh’s radio show, and this, for reasons known only to Cthulhu, comes in loud and clear.

He claims that his radio show is “intelligence helping you through your life.” If you find anything Tesh says to be either intelligent or helpful, I have only one thing to say: Kill yourself. You’re better off coming back as a lobster. Trust me.

Lest you think that I’m exaggerating, I’ll give you an example of some of the “wisdom” he spews on his program: Water is important for good health. Gee, I didn’t know that. I guess I should stop drinking the turpentine and arsenic cocktails I’ve been knocking back at work. :rolleyes:

Thankfully, Tesh doesn’t subject us to any of his compositions. The fucker’s so white he makes an albino look like Isaac Hayes. Still, his (or more realistically the programming manager’s) music selection absolutely sucks. It’s almost all crap from the 70s and 80s. Now, I’m not dissing the total output of those decades as being crap, just 99.9999% of it that Tesh plays. Those were my formative years, and I grew up listening to much of it, so I’m quite familiar with it, and yes, I did think that bands like Journey were “cool” back then. But I also thought that it was a “cool” evening if I had a 2 liter bottle of Pepsi and a Little Caeser’s pizza. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized that there are things better in life than Pepsi and pizza (namely, booze and sex).

Even worse, Tesh’s playlist is only about 12 songs deep, so we hear the same shit and over and over again. Even the one or two songs he plays that aren’t absolute crap, are played so often, that I can’t stand them. Between the incessant repetition and the bipolar behavior of my supervisor (“You guys are doing great!” “You’re a bunch of gruff-talking, work slackers! I’m going to fire the lot of you!”) I’m seriously tempted to start fire bombing.

I just cannot understand how anyone can be so unhip and lame as Tesh is. He doesn’t even realize how much he sucks. He and his wife, Connie Sellecca, were “born again virgins” before they got married. WTF kind of stupidity is that? Either you’ve fucked, or you haven’t. That’s it. You don’t want to fuck outside of marriage? Fine. I’ve got no problems with that, but don’t come up with this bullshit that you’ve somehow “regained” your virginity.

Even worse, though, is that he seems to think that the shit he quotes from magazines is somehow helpful to people. All of it, and I mean, fucking all of it, has the same level of intellectual sophistication of a Cosmo article that claims to reveal “the sexual secret which will drive your man wild in bed” and the “secret” turns out to be a blowjob. Any woman over the age of 18 who doesn’t know that a guy like’s getting his dick sucked, has some serious issues (and any guy who doesn’t like getting his dick sucked, have even more serious issues).

If I ever meet Tesh in person, I’m going to club him like a baby harp seal just on general principles.

So what did he say about Jerry Falwell?

Do you have any leverage to tell whoever to shut that damn offensive noise off? No, I didn’t think so.

I hate radios at work. If they played cool oldies of the 60s and 70s, great. But invariably it’s a) Rush Limpdick, or b) Top 40 candyass crap. Both offend me deeply. I got into a huge fight years ago about the choice of radio station that my cow-orkers tortured me with. I asked them – many times – to either change the station or shut it off. I was accused of being a music hater. Quite the opposite. I was the then-president of the Society Against Cruelty to Music. This was in the days when We Built This City was topping the charts.

I never did get my way.

If I had to hear those “cool oldies” all of the time, I’d have to kill you myself.

They invented Ipods for a reason. Listen to your own crappy music inside your own crappy brain, thanks, and don’t bother me.

I’ve never understood radios in an open work place. There’s practically no chance of everybody liking the same thing. Besides, aren’t you supposed to be working? Some people can do some work while listening to music, but for a lot of people, and a lot of tasks, it’s a distraction.

I have one word for you:


Delilah makes me want to insert hot poker needles into my anus because that *must * feel better than listening to her vomit.

I hate her. I hate her so much.

As far as John Tesh, someone on another board just started a thread about him this morning, too. However, they like him. So does my co-worker, apparently, as she started talking about him to me this morning, too.

Is he brainwashing the people who listen to his show? :dubious:

I’ll never ever forget the time Tesh was on Conan O’Brian and Conan says “We have some footage of you playing at one of your concerts.” which suprised Tesh.
They then show a clip from the old Adam’s Family TV show of Lurch playing the harpsichord.
It was hi-lar-i-ous. Mainly because it was true in so many ways and everyone knew it. A tall white boring guy hammering away on a keyboard only amusing himself.

I’ve never understood why white people bash themselves so much. Is there something intrinsically wrong with being white? I mean, are white people born owing something to someone else’s ancestors? Is it like a punish the son for the father’s sins sort of thing? Aren’t you proud of anything about your own culture and heritage?

I didn’t know “white” qualified as a culture or a heritage anywhere besides the deep south.

(White Power!)

Nothing and I mean nothing makes me want to do this.

At this point I’m grateful for two things…

  1. I don’t know who Delilah is.

  2. The nearest coworker radio is too far away for me to hear.

I feel you pain brother. The last office I worked in had it piped in through the office PA system. I insisted that they at least let me turn down the speaker that was near my desk which I was allowed to do. I could still hear it, just not as loud.

The last time I had to listen to Delilah was on a drive to Florida from Virginia with my mother and my grandmother in the car with me.

If you had been in a car for 13 hours with my mother and my grandmother, you’d understand :smiley: .


Hey, Lurch had presence and style, man.


No it’s not great. For the first 2 weeks, maybe. And then you realize that you’re hearing the same 30 or 40 songs all. the. time.

“California Dreaming”, “Surfing U.S.A” and “If You’re Going to San Francisco” are great once in a while. But trust me, you want to carpet bomb the radio station after months and months and months of the same music.

Radio stations find a format that works, and then stick with it. Seemingly forever.

Could that be a reason to call in to Delilah? Perhaps she could play a heart-felt dedication. And then Air Supply’s ‘All Out of Love’…

PS: Lowes is running a sale on pokers this week. And charcoal brickettes…

Well, wouldn’t you know it? I’ve still got $3 on a gift card to Lowe’s!

Did you know they built that damn city on rock and roll?

Hey, don’t knock it 'til you try it…

And sex appeal. Rrowr!