Okay, so you don’t know me (unless there are a few who remember OfficeGirl… hehehe) but here’s the situation: I’m home sick and have been sick all week. I’m well enough for my brain to be perfectly functioning (well, as functioning as it gets) but not well enough to leave the house basically. In the last 4 days I’ve read 4 Paul Auster novels, am halfway through Gravity’s Rainbow, have seen the following movies:
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Pippi Longstocking
<I was in a nostalgic mood>
Runaway Bride
Pushing Tin
Run, Lola Run
Seven Samurai
Ghost in the Shell
Breakfast of Champions
I think there are more but I can’t grasp them right now. I’m going stir crazy, dont’ want to read any more Pynchon or anything serious for that matter, have run out of movies to watch, have masturbated way past my daily ration, and am really hungry. My fiancee isn’t due back for hours and I’d like some entertainment. Anyone in the Denver area want to come juggle for me? Anyone have any rainy day blues suggestions?