Jumpin' Jehosaphat! It's July! More mini-rants!

I remember flying with hundreds of pounds of luggage (no extra charge) and boarding with half a dozen bottles of wine in my carryon. Now I can’t have a bottle of water in the terminal, and “you can’t carry that fresh fish on because the dry ice will become liquid when it melts.” DRY ICE DOESN’T MELT, IT SUBLIMATES, THAT’S WHY IT’S CALLED DRY ICE!

See, that is about what I thought it would be: $50 or so. For that, I’d risk it. But it’s $200. . . per leg of the trip, which means that I’d end up shelling out $800 round trip, which is absolute freaking insanity. As soon as I’m off work, I’m going home and dumping out first aid kits and shorts like it’s going out of style.

My car is broken. The fan isn’t turning on, and its overheating. Said car is only 8 months old, so it should be easy enough to take it to the dealer, right?

WRONG! Bill bought it for me through a dealership in Houston. For some reason the local dealer seems convinced that just because the money was paid in Texas this means that he doesn’t have to work on it. The car came from the local dealership, I would assume that the money was transferred to the local dealership before they delivered the car.

Geeze, its a $200.00 repair. I have a friend in the auto repair business, so I could get the fan for $75.00 and do it myself in less than an hour.

I should NOT have had to have a shouting match with the service manager over this. The car is still under the factory warrenty, just flipping fix it already!

If I stop there tomorrow and the work hasn’t started, I am going to be TICKED!

And its too hot to ride to work. Triple degree weather, the heat radiating from the road and from the other cars will make me sweaty and rumpled before I toss my first box.

Grumble, mutter, growl.

Can you call corporate?

flatlined, sorry to hear they are giving you a hard time.

My mini-rant would be against myself, since I knew my battery was failing before I drove 250 miles and stranded myself in a community college parking lot on a Friday night while getting myself lost looking for a pizza place I have been to dozens of times.
But when I went to the nearest dealership they checked my warranty before I even asked, and I was covered, with just a month to spare.

I’m trying to tell myself that it was just a service manager having a bad day. I know enough about car warranties to know that this should be covered. I’ve never had a problem like this before, and I know that its not because the car was bought from out of state.

I’ll start contacting the PTB if repairs aren’t started in the morning. I was just really, REALLY ticked off when he told me that they wouldn’t honor the warranty.

Now that I’m home and have had some cat therapy, I’m calming down. Spike’s face was wet, so I think he was sleeping with his face in the water bowl again. Great, a broken car and a suicidal cat. This week is starting out really well.

troubledwater, we all do stuff like that. I’m glad you were still under warranty. Car problems are such a bother.

Jesus Christ. This is quite possibly the stupidest post anyone has ever posted.

When the little man steps into your TeeVee box and tells his adoring public that said adoring public should go to the library because they have AC, why wouldn’t they?

Listen to the little man!

From one librarian to another, I’m just screwing with you Zsofia.

Update: I just got a call from the dealer. My car will be ready tomorrow. I don’t know if the service manager realized that he was wrong, or if Bill did something. When I told Bill, he was really upset and said he was going to make some calls.

Anyhow, all is good. Except that Spike is sleeping with his head in the water bowl now. Idiot cat.

Fuck you, Dish Network and AMC, for divorcing two weeks before the season premiere of Breaking Bad. Yes, I know each of you blames the other. I don’t give a wet fart. I’m gonna 86 Dish and download pirated episodes of AMC shows, so neither of you will get a dime. Enjoy your negotiated percentage of jack shit, losers.

Vinyl Turnip, be careful when you ditch Dish. Flutewiz cancelled them and they helped themselves to almost $400 from his checking account - even though he didn’t pay by automatic debit - apparently it was hidden in the fine print that they could charge for the entire contract if you cancel early. He got most of it back but it took several weeks and a lot of hassle.

I’m bored. I don’t watch much TV, it’s too hot to go out and play with the goats, and I don’t feel like reading.

Someone entertain me, please.

I like this! :slight_smile: If God were present at some Cubs games they might win a few more, right?

My rant is my boyfriend’s family. His oldest sister is turning 50 this week. She has had nothing to do with the family for about the last 30 years or so. Don’t really know why, boyfriend was only about 8 when she left so he hardly knows her. Boyfriend’s dad decided whole family needs to go visit her for her birthday. (She lives about 1000 miles from us here.)

I asked boyfriend if his sister was OK with all these people she has nothing to do with invading her territory. He said surprisingly she seemed happy they were all coming.

Once boyfriend got to his sister’s he discovered why she was so happy everyone was coming to see her. She scheduled some elective surgery the day before the arrivals and can’t drive or do anything for herself for about a week. So now she has her whole family to schlep her around and wait on her hand and foot. Boyfriend says he doesn’t think it’s a coincidence…

I didn’t go on this trip, couldn’t get time off work. Boyfriend’s dad is upset with me for not going but I’m not exactly sorry now.

So…Bill and I have agreed that we will have phone sex sometime. We tried it again today, and just ended up laughing. How’s that for stupid :slight_smile:

I have no idea why it doesn’t work for us…but we both feel silly and go random.

When you do feel like reading, go to the library and find Blood Oath by Christopher Farnsworth. Junkfood for the mind and a real page turner. I’m now his biggest fan :slight_smile:

Oh, I have a new stray cat. He’s about a year old, and a total cuddle kitty. He lets me play with his toes and knows to be careful with his claws. He will be going to the vet to get unneeded parts removed on Wednesday and adoptions on Saturday. Maybe that’s not entertaining, its outraging, because the sweet cat was obviously a house cat before he grew out of his kitten cuteness.

And I won’t tell on you if you pm me one of those linky-thingies.:slight_smile:

I did manage to get some Peptobismol three hours ago and am ok but now i have a new mini-rant

I’m just fucking exhausted because my niece would not go to bed at all last night- and i have chased her all day and done 5 loads of laundry and other chores. At least she is asleep NOW.

But my period is starting two weeks to the day after I last had sex and I can’t fucking believe it. My period’s never been on time for anything. EVER, and fucking now it’s got a goddamn schedule? Seriously? SERIOUSLYY!!! Fuck my life.

Dear old guy with scraggly beard on the bike -

I imagine it was somewhat scarey when my car crept forward as you crossed the street, but you know what? It was all your fault. There’s a reason why the law says bikes should travel in the direction of traffic, which you weren’t doing, and that they should not be on the sidewalks, which you were. Not to mention it was very obvious I wasn’t looking in your direction when you crossed in front since I was getting ready to make a (fully legal) right turn from the right turn only lane.

So fuck you for banging on the hood of my car after I said I was sorry, even tho it wasn’t my fault in any way, shape or form. Given my lack of sleep at the time, you are lucky I didn’t give you personal instruction on how to safely and legally ride a bike in the city. Jackass.

Fucking styrofoam packing peanuts.

That is all.

No. No, it doesn’t. It’s a forum browser, which, depending on where you point it, may allow access to age-restricted material. But, in and of itself, it contains nothing.

And iTunes? If I’m updating a whole whack of apps, and some of them allow access to age-restricted material, would it be too difficult to tall us which ones? I’m an adult; I can handle it. But my friends who are parents might like to know.

Apple, you know better than to write such inaccurate warning messages.

Hey, it’s a water-cooled cat!

I think you must be married to my husband’s long lost sister. I swear, every time he starts an in-depth conversation, it’s when I’m standing at the top of the stairs with an enormous load of laundry balanced in my hands, on my way out the door or about to go to bed when it’s really late and I’m exhausted.

I’ll be staggering to bed and he’ll say, “overly, how do we really motivate our children to achieve? Are we doing enough? How do we give them the fire to succeed? Let’s put together a long-term plan.” Fucked if I know at that point - right now I just need to succeed in getting a full night’s sleep since our daughter woke me up every 20 minutes last night yelling something about the cat sniffing her toes. Give me 8 hours of uninterrupted shut eye and I’ll plan anything you want.

There are too many people like that.

When I was a Security Supervisor, every goddamned time I got up to do something, one of the guys I supervised would ask if I could wait until he had a smoke break. Go to the can? Can you wait? Get called to the gate? Can you wait? Big boss wants me in his office? Can you wait.

Fuck NO I can’t wait, and you don’t get 12 smoke breaks in 8 hours. Stop asking me to wait every goddamned time I get called to go somewhere, assmunch.

Then of course, he complained to my boss that I was being mean when I told him as much. :rolleyes:

Clueless George likes to stop me and try to talk to me every time I get up to go somewhere. Restroom, lunch, ice machine, printer. Seems to think that’s the perfect time to engage me in conversation. I’ve started just walking off without acknowledging that he’s even speaking.