June Bugs and Bothers (mini-rant)

I didn’t want to start any family drama, which is why I posted about it here instead of there. They already know I’m an atheist. She and I want the same thing -for my dad to feel better. The original call for prayers was akin to asking for good thoughts. Maybe I’ll post that if they want to pray, they should be asking their god for thanks for his wonderful doctors and the miracle of modern medicine.

There’s a sign on a doctor’s office nearby that has motivational messages usually. One has been up for several months: “The only place you will find success before work is the dictionary.” Umm, the dictionary, and THAT SIGN!

And this is why I always wander around with Post-It Notes in my pocket. So I can make corrections or addenda to people’s signs.

Civilized graffiti.

What is wrong with my eyes? I was welling up earlier today (stupid sentimental TV shows) and found that my tears were stinging my eyes. It’s been happening for a while now, although I really can’t recall just how long. But I don’t remember them stinging in years past.

My eyes used to sting and water all the time. Bill suggested that I start using liquid tears and it worked. Dry eyes tend to water, so adding moisture helps a lot. How counter intuitive is that? Yeah…my eyes are watering so I’ll just put more liquid in them.

My rant…I have a bunny rabbit now. And Houdini in a cage in the bathroom. I was just playing D3 and killing monsters, totally minding my own business, when I heard a rabbit scream. At first I thought it was just the game, but then I looked out the window and saw Houdini (a 10 month old cat who was fixed last Wednesday and the escaped from my outside cage the next day…and then came for dinner, got put into the new and improved cage…and escaped) tussling with a screaming rabbit.

Long story short…I ran out and grabbed them both. This was a death match happening, the bunny was bigger than the idiot cat and they were both bleeding. A lot. I got them to a vet and the bunny will be fine. Houdini got his belly opened by the bunny kicks, I’m not sure that he will be OK.

So now, I have one cat occupying the gooshy food cage, a badly injured stray in the bathroom and a killer bunny rabbit in the outside cage.

And Bill telling me that rabbit stew is good and offering cooking tips. Hun, I already spent a lot of your money to get the rabbit vetted, and I don’t eat anything that breathes air. Stop with the carrot jokes. Not only do I not eat rabbit, I also don’t like cooked carrots. I cannot see how rabbit blood on carrots would be anything I’d want to eat.

Bill’s cat has also gotten into the occupy movement and keeps jumping into my chair when I get up long enough to find tissues because my allergies are going nuts.

Yeah…I’m not having a very good day :frowning:

Well, I’m happy that your dad is feeling better, anyway. :slight_smile:

I’m sure Bill is just saying those things to make the bunny feel apprehensive. Your best bet is to respond with something like “But since I don’t eat air-breathing critters I’d just have to make the stew and then throw it away.” That should let the bunny know that what he did is not okay and you’re not exactly defending him.

Don’t tell anybody I did this.


Humpf. If we were talking on the phone, I’d just hang up on you. Of course, I would tell you that I was hanging up first…so you would know that I didn’t lose my connection.

So…consider yourself hung up on.

I just checked the bunny, and she is as sweet as can be. Houdini is wearing an e-collar and hasn’t managed to get out of the cage yet. This worries me. I know that he’s just a stray cat, there are lots more out there…but he’s MY stray cat, goshdarnit!!!

If Satan needs any help redesigning hell, he should look at LAX for ideas. I’ve been through O’Hare, DFW, SFO, Shanghai, Beijing, and Heathrow, so I’m not unaccustomed to big airports, but what a chaotic craphole. I feel fortunate to have somehow avoided it until now.

Dammit. I thought the Finley Peter Dunne collection I have contained the one where Mr. McKenna is all jazzed about Queen Victoria’s diamond jubilee – “She has reigned for sixty years” – and Mr. Dooley says, “I don’t care if she has snowed for sixty years.” It must be in the other collection, the one that’s currently in one of three boxes. :frowning:

Fucking mummy politics.

In particular, a local mum who I used to be friends with, until we were both involved in talking over a local walking group last year, and we butted heads. I still invited her kid to my kids birthday party after that, she still invited me to christmas drinks at hers. And now I hear she’s not invited my kid to her kid’s birthday party, plus she’s not sponsoring me for my 5K race when I sponsored her damned sister that I’ve never even met, just to be polite.

Worst thing is, she’s in our bookclub too, and it’s my turn to host this month so I can’t even avoid her. Grrr.

I thought hell was somewhere in HellAX. Dave Barry once said it was in O’Hare, but I think that may be an overflow location.

What does “Collector Barbie” look like? Does she come with a Dream House that’s totally overflowing with her stuff?

What’s a ‘laundry card’?

I thought about putting this in the Workplace Griping thread, but it’s not my workplace, so I’m putting it here.

My 19 year old daughter was supposed to start her first job today. She was going to be trained as a hostess at a locally-owned restaurant. She was very nervous, and very excited.

So, she gets up early, gets herself ready, and gets to work on time. The manager who is training her is not quite ready, so asks her to sit at the counter for a while and wait.

Here, I’m a little fuzzy with the sequence of events. At some point after she started waiting at the counter, the owner of the restaurant came in and asked my daughter/the manager who she was. The manager told him she was the new hostess who was being trained.

At this point, the owner apparently went off, and either changed his mind or forgot that he had approved the manager hiring someone, and basically decided that my daugher doesn’t have a job after all.

She called me from the car in hysterics. I got her calmed down enough to drive home. But, from me, her mom, here to the restaurant owner:

FUCK YOU! I know it’s your business, and you have the right to change your mind or overrule any hiring by your managers, but dammit man, she was sitting right there. Did you have to do this now? You couldn’t listen to the manager when she told you you’d approved it? You couldn’t give the kid a break because she showed up? Bad form, man. Very very bad form. Rude, too.

I’ve encouraged my daughter to call the manager this afternoon and let the manager know that she is still available if the owner changes his mind again, but personally I’m not sure I want her working somewhere where the owner goes off like that or changes his mind like that regularly. But I’m trying to help her learn how to be professional.


It was one of those Barbie dolls that you’re never supposed to open the box otherwise it will never be worth any money to some later generation.

Actually, it was a NASCAR Barbie. One of a bazillion sold with “Collector’s Edition” noted on the box.

On the positive side, TheKid experienced some - I can’t remember the word - closure? - going through some of his stuff. I just hurt for her.

I figured. But it got me wondering what a Hoarder Barbie might be like.

Which, incidentally, you can now get on Amazon for $7.50. Some collector’s item. You can’t always believe what marketing types tell you. Evidently your ex didn’t know this. He’s dumb as well as being a crappy parent.

Well… yeah.

It’s June, dammit, JUNE. It’s supposed to be WARM out. It is NOT supposed to make me think, “gee, I probably should have brought my jacket with me” when I go out to my car at lunch time. When I lived in the Bay Area, I was willing to live with this, since it came with some other benefits, like not having snow. Snow and needing to wear a jacket in June? No thanks.

I pit whatever it is about pregnancy that makes me have to pee all the fucking time, and then not have much actual pee come out when I do go. That’s really frustrating. I used to pee like a racehorse, but be able to go several hours between trips to the bathroom. I miss that.

I think I decided when I was about seven that “collectible” dolls were a dumb idea. They’re dolls you aren’t even supposed to play with, how stupid and lame is that? I haven’t seen much since then to change my mind on this. If I want to invest money for my baby, I will invest it in mutual funds or a 529, not collectible dolls. At least most kids generally aren’t tempted to play with mutual funds and risk breaking them by doing so.

Starting the car this morning, there’s the noise of an unmuffled motorcycle. I look around for the bike (there’s several in my neighborhood) I realize there’s no one on the street and it’s my fucking car making that noise! Shit! Stop the car get out, notice a little bracket on the driveway…sometime between Saturday morning and Monday morning some fucker stole my catalytic converter!

To whoever is setting the thermostat in my building at work: This is an office building, not a polar bear habitat. I could see why you kept it cold in here in the winter- saving money, saving the environment, and all that. But those reasons don’t apply now.