June Bugs and Bothers (mini-rant)

Or just make stuff up. We’ll never know.

Morgyn, from what little I know of endometriosis I think it’s probably a choice of pain meds or depression meds. Can’t have both.

olivesmarch4th, I’m so sorry to hear that. A friend of mine went through endometriosis a few years ago and it looked like hell.

Olives, you have my sympathy. There is nothing more fun than having health problems and no insurance.

Happy Birthday Chef Troy and Chimera!!!

Catnip is a mint. From what I understand, mint is a weed. It grows anywhere and spreads. Not for me. I tried sprouting it from seed and failed. I tried buying live plants and babied them and they still died. After a couple of years, I finally found the right place for catnip, with just the right mixture of sand and soil, the right amount of light and shade. I ran a drip hose around my catnip patch and put sticks in it so the neighborhood cats wouldn’t crush it. I was happy and my cats were happy.

One fateful day, a neighbor’s kids came over to make some extra money by mowing and weedwacking my yard. I was inside with the AC running and thought I smelled catnip. At first I thought that one of my cats was playing with a catnip stuffed sock, but when I looked around, they were all sleeping.

When I looked out the window, I saw that the teenagers had just taken my catnip down to the ground. I still paid them, it was my fault because I didn’t tell them that it wasn’t a weed. When I asked about the sticks, they said they just thought it was a really tough weed. I have not tried to grow catnip since.

My rant…I stumbled across Christopher Fransworth’s Nathanial Cade series at the library. Great books, I highly recommend them.

I have done nothing all week but work and read. My house is a mess, I need to do laundry and I didn’t do my shopping after work, so now I have to drive all the way into town on the weekend.

Not only that, now I’m done with all 3 books and want more. I’m such an idiot at times, I should know to slow down and savor good books, but noooooooo…I just gulp them down like chocolate.:smack:

While FH and I were out of town this past week, our landlords (a church) were supposed to replace the crapped out dryer. Well, they removed the old one, but never bothered to check IF WE COULD PLUG THE NEW ONE IN!!

The old dryer used a standard grounded three prong socket. The new one needs some kind of huge equilateral set power socket. So, there’s this new dyer, w/ the power cord taped to the front.

Um, 'scuse me Church people, but I don’t think praying is gonna fix this, but an electrician might.

(apologies to the faithful)

GAAAAAH!! Clothes moths… They’re everywhere, I’ve squished about 30 of them today, and I keep spotting more. They’re everywhere in the house, and now half my best clothes have holes in them. :mad:

Eucalyptus will clear them out. You can get the wooden balls at the drug store and place them in your closets and pantry. You’ll have to toss all the dry goods though, that’s where they’re coming from.

This is partially a work rant, but it’s kind of mini so I’ll put it here.

Folks, you are doing yourselves no favors by booking your hotel through Expedia or any of its subsidiaries. Yes, the rate may look better but please remember this is before they add on all their fees. Also, you are unable to change or cancel your reservation without a huge hassle, if at all. If it’s a prepaid reservation the hotel will not cancel it even if the people from Expedia call us. That would violate the hotel’s agreement with Expedia. They only call us to shut you up. Also, Expedia’s call center? In India/The Phillippines/Southeast Asia. Do you really want to deal with that?

Sorry, allow me to explain. The endo is something I most likely inherited - both my Mom and her mom had it, and both had to have hysterectomies. According to the doc, the treatment for endometriosis these days is either injected hormonal BC like Depo/Lupron or continuous hormonal BC like Seasonale.

I’ve been on Depo for the last year and half and it’s done wonders for my pain, but it has brought my pre-existing depression to dangerous levels. About two months ago my depression was bad enough that I was almost hospitalized. All that remains, then, is continuous BC - but from my experience in the past, it’s not as effective for the pain. Thus feeling like I have to choose between depression and pain. Tomorrow I start Seasonale, but the doc said I won’t feel better for probably at least three months.

I’m a little bit terrified for my future, because the pain has been getting progressively worse, but so far it’s bearable. I’m 29. My Mom was in her mid thirties when she had her hysterectomy and she suffered so much that it made her suicidal. The doctors only did it because she told them if they didn’t, she would kill herself. I pray to god the continuous BC works even as the endo continues to worsen. I know there’s probably a hysterectomy in my future - I’d love if they would do it tomorrow, but doctors are very reluctant to do this to women of a childbearing age.

I know medicine isn’t the same as it was back then. I have hope.

Also, I am fortunate to have very good medical insurance.

It got worse when I had both laptops going side by side so I could transfer files. she wanted to know why- I explained I only bought another laptop so I could play myself at Civilization. Not my smartest idea.

Chief Troy and Chimera- you poor old bastards!


Visiting Hours: 9 to 2. Internment to follow.


I lost my laundry card. $7 balance (and $5 to replace the card).


I have 2 loads to do and am a little thin until next Friday.

Oh sure, it’ll probably turn up. Two months from now…

Why the flipping hell are they not putting you on Norethindrone? It is a specific for endometriosis. I was on it for several years until that pesky tumor on my left ovary ended up scoring me the hysterectomy I desperately wanted for decades.

My dad’s MS is acting up so much he missed work. He’s tried almost everything. Friday he was scheduled to have Botox injections into his neck and shoulders. My stepmom posted on FB asking for prayers. I’m fine with that, for the most part. Yesterday, she posted, “The prayers are working!” No, you moron, the injections are what are making my dad feel better. I like my stepmom most of the time, but that really fucking irritated me. I’m glad it’s working so far and my dad is feeling better, though it has nothing to do with praying!

This “getting older” shit can kiss my wide white ass. I went to a wonderful party last night - The “Spring/Summer Jam w/ the Jones” - good food, great company and a couple of dozen musicians jamming classic rock. I was enjoying a libation or two…

…and today I feel like roadkill. I am sore in all sorts of places. Maybe it was trying to get different camera angles…I’ve never had a hangover give me muscle soreness before!

It was, however, totally worth it!

To one of my oldest friends:

I understands that it kinda sucks that the house you’ve lived in for so long has been sold and you find that you’ll be traveling down to Florida to establish new roots. And I know that you’re upset that you can’t stay here in Jersey and keep…

…oh, wait a minute, that’s right – you’re forty-fucking-two years old, and your parents sold their house. You are aware that you don’t actually have to head south with them? That it’s perfectly acceptable to, you know, get your own place to live for once in your life?
(Double-hypocritical annoyance for him being completely outFoxed and constantly bitching about “the Liberals sponging off the system”)

Maybe you can blame the laptop on Senior Dementia…

Depending on how snarky you feel like being, you could go back to her “prayers are working!” post and reply with “Great! See if you can get your money back for the Botox injections!”


Having your own Senior Moment there? :stuck_out_tongue:

TheKid is gutting the basement, which has become the repository of junk for the past few years. It’s bad. Not Hoarders bad, but too much crap bad. She discovered a box of stuff her dad left behind.

So this is to you, fucktard. Thank you for leaving all your “World’s Best Dad” stuff, all your pictures of you and her, all your birthday cards she gave you. You really cemented into her head that once you were gone, she was forgotten.

Fuck you for doing the same damn thing when you left your other ex. She, however, sold/burnt everything after you left. Well, with the exception of the “Collector” Barbie doll, which she gave to her (your) daughter to play with - I laughed when you had a tizzy about it.

Asshat. Gawd you suck.

Oops, guess so; the laptop is Cicero’s.

So, Cicero: You’ve got to tell us more about this. Is your wife (still) upset? Was she counting on the clock? What did you say? What did she say? What did her mother say?

Now, if you’d had a fireplace built just so she’d have a mantle because her childhood dream was to put a clock on one… I might be on her side.