Jurassic World looks dumb (New Trailer)

Well, there goes all my hype. Dumb futuristic design that makes no sense in this world. Silly-looking CGI. A waste of Chris Pratt “What kind of dinosaur they cooked up in that lab.” And not even an attempt at any kind of realism, what with the spectators being close enough to be eaten in almost every circumstance.

Dumb dumb dumb. Although this really is the exact kind of sequel I’d expect to JP3, so points for consistency I suppose?

You misspelled “rad” in your subject line.

Is rad short for “radioactive?” Thanks for the warning to keep our distance! You’re doing God’s work.

(Movie looks so bad)

But it has dinosaurs!

Oh god it looks so bad.

I can’t wait. I really hope Starlord, er, Chris, gets to take his shirt off in this one too. Between that and godawfully-animated dinos eating stupid entitled rich tourists, I am so on board.

It’s 2014. We know dinosaurs weren’t all green and scaly.

So why do they still look exactly like the ones in the movies 20 years ago when we didn’t know they had feathers?

Psst. It’s (pre-)historical fiction, not a documentary.

Oh, yeah, and it looks pretty freaking terrific.

And it’s factually inaccurate in a pretty big way. If I made a movie about, say, the Crimean War, and I had the British riding zebras into battle, “it’s not a documentary” would not be a valid excuse.

And I think the audience for such a movie would be slightly more discerning than the one for the average summer blockbuster usually is (not to mention significantly smaller).

Apples to Kleenexes, my friend.

I’m on board! Where can I see the trailer for this!? Does it have flying monkeys too??
Meanwhile, I don’t care if they fucked up the science, any more than I get worked up about movie physics the way I used to. Bring on the adventure!

Recently articles about recent discoveries are still using words like “probably” and “suggest” when saying all dinosaurs had feathers. It also seems that many, particularly the larger ones, had feathers in the same way African elephants and whales are hairy.

Incidentally, did you know that great apes can’t, in fact, speak and ride horses?

It’s allowed to be. It’s not a documentary.

This movie looks awesome.

I’ll have a treatment on your desk by next Wednesday. We’re still storyboarding the climactic scene where Iron Maiden leads a victorious light cavalry charge against the Russian thaumaturges.

The thing is, the original Jurassic Park was promoted on the strength of its science - they were going for the most realistic portrayal of dinosaurs to date, they consulted paleontologists on the latest findings, etc. Here they seem to just be ignoring everything we’ve learned in the intermittent decades and sticking with the old inaccurate dinosaurs because it’s what put butts in the seats in 1992.

My reaction, pretty much. Plus, there’s that part of me that’s squeeing at actually getting to see the park in action. And shark as bait!

Though I’m let down that there’s no one from the original. Well, apparently BD Wong comes back.

They are also building on previous Jurassic named films so they would want to keep a similar look. I mean you wouldn’t take a well known series of films with a giant lizard-like creature and then make it look and act completely different from what people are used to (in order to make it more realistic), all while keeping the same well-known name and expect it to be received well, right? If it doesn’t look a little like the original creature then don’t use the name.

The last two were so bad I wonder what’s supposed to make this one different?
Is this a sequel to the first one where we’re supposed to pretend 2 & 3 didn’t happen or is this really supposed to be a part 4?

Wait a sec, it’s gonna **have **a dinosaur that will KILL anything that moves? No WAY!


We know that *some *dinosaurs had feathers. Lots of them (especially the really big ones) probably didn’t, or, if they did, were just a couple of tufts for decoration.

Maybe there will be a scene in the movie where they explain that they pluck them from time to time because it’s so damned hot on that island.

Or maybe it’s because they used frogs for the missing DNA sequences, instead of chickens.

It’d be cool if there’s a 5th movie that they give some dinosaur hair just to dick with us.