Just bought some Malibu Coconut flavored liqueur and Coke

My wife was in the mood for Malibu and Coke tonight. She’s not often suggesting anything except sometimes a bottle of wine for Saturday dinner.

From wiki:

is a coconut flavored liqueur, made with Caribbean rum, and having an alcohol content by volume of 21.0 % (42 proof)

Not my favourite stuff but it’s okay. Bacardi & coke will do me fine. Set me up with a blender (esp. one that can crush ice), strawberries, bananas and if coconut or pineapple is required I’ll cheat and use a mix (I’m not all about coring & slicing stuff up) - yet enjoy your Daquiri’s, frozen or not.

Anyways, I’m just off for that white bottle of Malibu. ASDA has only “strawberry flavoured Malibu” £12 for 70cl. The what now? I look around, check out the end-caps. That’s all they have. Regular stuff sold out.

I’m just not seeing myself returning with this stuff, “Look hon! Now even better with strawberry flavour!”

So off to the nearby Lidl. Not a top-shelf kind of place yet you can get a decent, inexpensive Rosé from France OR Italy. Ahh, here’s a white Malibu-looking-bottle. WTF? “Coconut Island?!” £7 so cannot complain about the price. If it’s possible to make rum-flavoured-moonshine and some coconut extract this is the stuff.

Pride has already gotten the better of me. I went out for the regular kind of Malibu. Only market left is Waitrose which is high-end everything. “Ooh, a bottle of Jameson’s is reduced £6.50”. How much does it cost? Fuck knows - no price tags for that stuff.

They did have the regular Malibu. £16. I bought it. I should have gone with the strawberry, “It’s the newest Malibu!” or gone with "Coconut Island - an island of coconuts must be superior*

Meh. The regular stuff will taste - to me - 1000x better than settling for less. Though that Jameson’s was tempting.

Have a sip for me.


Just clicked on this thread to say that you’e a good husband. I like high-end whiskies and rums (found a Plantation Rum that I really like).

But Malibu and Coke? I just love it.

Last time I ordered it, my usual bartender sneered at me, so I did my best Mitch Hedberg voice: “It’s so fukkin’ TROPICAL, man…”

My favorite mixer with Coke was cherry-flavored brandy. But one time I bought cherry brandy instead and that combination didn’t work.

Thanks. For a moment I thought I’d call her and say, “All Asda’s got is something called strawberry flavoured Malibu” and she’d have given it a go - so she’s a good wife. Had I sugggested getting a bottle of Bacardi and fresh strawberries and firing up the blender, it’d be not so much a go at least as I envisioned it.

I am obstinate and had my quest. If strawberry Malibu wasn’t a buy, Coconut Island moonshine was certainly not going to do.

I’m just finishing up my 2nd glass of Malibu & coke and while it’s a neat little drink, I’m just not getting that Mitch Hedberg kind of tropical breeze. Maybe it needs some strawberry,

Do you still have your clothes on?

There’s your problem. Get your Hawaiian shirt and your board shorts and flip-flops out, and rock some Ray-Bans.

Seriously, squeeze a lime into it?

Or (untried ideas here) mash some crushed pineapple , or a dollop of coconut milk (I do love Trader Joe’s Coconut Creamer).

You might try ginger beer and lime. You can mix almost anything with them and have it be pretty decent, especially rum, vodka, and bourbon.

I would think Malibu might go decently well with it.