Just had my first 502 Error message on the new board

Four times in a row, when I was searching for a relatively uncommon word to find a particular thread.


There should be a special badge.

I’ve gotten two, while looking at profiles.

Can’t reproduce it yet and not really in the mood to upload the screenshot from the first instance. Maybe I’ll do it when I’m not suffering from insomnia (it’s 3 am where I am and I should be asleep).

And I managed to reproduce it in another window.


Server Error

while trying to load /user_actions.json?offset=0&username=colibri&filter=4,5&no_results_help_key=user_activity.no_default

Error code: 502 error

The other time while I was looking at dseid’s profile.

I’ve had a few, but nothing compared to the old days (a few weeks ago, was it?)

Just had it happen another four times, searching for the same word.

I’ve had three site-stopping errors today, all at scattered times and forums.

And just now a fourth error. A copy-paste of the message:

My experience has been smooth so far. I visit the site quite often but probably my activity is too simple or too slow to go through errors or blockages. I don’t know.

Haven’t had one for almost two weeks now, fortunately.