Just in case you haven't had enough bagpipes in your life lately


My wife and I saw a Greek fellow playing something bagpipe-like in Rhodes.

On another note, how do you make a Celtic Cross?

A. Kick him in the bagpipes.

Thanks! :slightly_smiling_face:

On the anniversary of the 1944 Normandy landings. This guy was awesome:

Pipes start in at 5:01.

God save the King, and the pipes wake him!

I attended a Scottish Presbyterian college in St Paul (Macalester), even though I’m neither. The school’s official instrument is the bagpipe, and it has a pipe band.

I had one class that met in the afternoon twice a week, on the second floor of a building next to a parking lot. That period was also the time one member of the pipe band scheduled for practice outdoors. For an hour every Tuesday and Thursday, she serenaded us with the dulcet tones of her pipe.

Out of personal interest, I learned to play the pipe myself before I even enrolled at Mac. I got to be quite good on the chanter, but never developed the stamina to keep that damned bag full.

I at least earned the right to wear the clan tartan and badge when I graduated. A couple of years ago, I enquired at a local imports shop how much it would cost to be outfitted in a full dress kit. The answer was “Around $2000.” Too rich for me in my current conditions. :frowning:

Unfortunately, my friend Dan Stewart hated them. I’d praised a bagpipe performance, and he just muttered “Try having your very tiny house full of uncles at Thanksgiving, all playing bagpipes at once.” “Ohhh, Royal Stewart?”

He just nodded dejectedly.

That’s the trouble - what most people think of as bagpipes were meant for outdoor use, partly to put the bejaysus up an enemy.

The various kinds of small pipes are much easier on the eardrums (depending on the number and capabilities of the relevant uncles, of course).

Highland Cathedral
The Gael
Jingle Bells
Our Director (3 RAR’s battalion song)

That Jingle Bells was magical! Thank you.

Bagpiping can now be offered as treatment for various respiratory conditions on the NHS: