Just using a picture as a reply

I have been seeing people using pictures- with no comment, and many times the pictures dont really mean much- such as this one-

(Is Trump confused? - #1823 by DrDeth)

Which caused a couple of Huhs?

Can we puts a stop to this? Kinda like a bare link with no comment is a no-no.

If they were reported, something was probably done. Were they?

It caused one “huh?”, which was promptly explained, and the person who asked was mostly familiar with the reference (a perfectly cromulent one, at that) but just didn’t know the context of that particular joke. I would further point out that the quoted text which the picture was a reply to provides the context that the photo is a joke about not understanding the meaning of the word “dignity”.

This is a solution in search of a problem.

Also, you linked to the wrong post in that thread.

I am not attacking that poster, but there have been several others.

Again, reporting them to the Mods is probably the best bet.

Linking to my post wouldn’t be “attacking” me. As it is, anyone who hasn’t already read that thread would have no idea they’re supposed to scroll 50 posts up to find out what you’re objecting to.

Please let’s not have any more rules.




Although maybe we need a rule prohibiting requests for new rules.


Maybe we need a rule about that.

I think I see a Snape

One of the things I liked about this board was that images as replies weren’t a thing. Something else that has been lost since the software transition.

If there were any way to conduct an accurate poll of all regular board users, I am confident that your opinion would be in the minority. And since there isn’t a way to get an accurate unbiased poll, I’m confident that I can’t be proven wrong.